Source code for pystac

PySTAC is a library for working with SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs (STACs)

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[docs]class STACError(Exception): """A STACError is raised for errors relating to STAC, e.g. for invalid formats or trying to operate on a STAC that does not have the required information available. """ pass
from pystac.version import (__version__, get_stac_version, set_stac_version) from pystac.stac_io import STAC_IO from pystac.extensions import Extensions from pystac.stac_object import (STACObject, STACObjectType) from pystac.media_type import MediaType from import (Link, HIERARCHICAL_LINKS) from pystac.catalog import (Catalog, CatalogType) from pystac.collection import (Collection, Extent, SpatialExtent, TemporalExtent, Provider) from pystac.item import (Item, Asset, CommonMetadata) from pystac.serialization import stac_object_from_dict import pystac.validation STAC_IO.stac_object_from_dict = stac_object_from_dict from pystac import extensions import pystac.extensions.eo import pystac.extensions.label import pystac.extensions.pointcloud import pystac.extensions.projection import pystac.extensions.sar import pystac.extensions.sat import pystac.extensions.scientific import pystac.extensions.single_file_stac import pystac.extensions.timestamps import pystac.extensions.version import pystac.extensions.view import pystac.extensions.file STAC_EXTENSIONS = extensions.base.RegisteredSTACExtensions([ extensions.eo.EO_EXTENSION_DEFINITION, extensions.label.LABEL_EXTENSION_DEFINITION, extensions.pointcloud.POINTCLOUD_EXTENSION_DEFINITION, extensions.projection.PROJECTION_EXTENSION_DEFINITION, extensions.sar.SAR_EXTENSION_DEFINITION, extensions.sat.SAT_EXTENSION_DEFINITION, extensions.scientific.SCIENTIFIC_EXTENSION_DEFINITION, extensions.single_file_stac.SFS_EXTENSION_DEFINITION, extensions.timestamps.TIMESTAMPS_EXTENSION_DEFINITION, extensions.version.VERSION_EXTENSION_DEFINITION, extensions.view.VIEW_EXTENSION_DEFINITION, extensions.file.FILE_EXTENSION_DEFINITION ])
[docs]def read_file(href): """Reads a STAC object from a file. This method will return either a Catalog, a Collection, or an Item based on what the file contains. This is a convenience method for :meth:`STACObject.from_file <pystac.STACObject.from_file>` Args: href (str): The HREF to read the object from. Returns: The specific STACObject implementation class that is represented by the JSON read from the file located at HREF. """ return STACObject.from_file(href)
[docs]def write_file(obj, include_self_link=True, dest_href=None): """Writes a STACObject to a file. This will write only the Catalog, Collection or Item ``obj``. It will not attempt to write any other objects that are linked to ``obj``; if you'd like functionality to save off catalogs recursively see :meth:` <>`. This method will write the JSON of the object to the object's assigned "self" link or to the dest_href if provided. To set the self link, see :meth:`STACObject.set_self_href <pystac.STACObject.set_self_href>`. Convenience method for :meth:`STACObject.from_file <pystac.STACObject.from_file>` Args: obj (STACObject): The STACObject to save. include_self_link (bool): If this is true, include the 'self' link with this object. Otherwise, leave out the self link. dest_href (str): Optional HREF to save the file to. If None, the object will be saved to the object's self href. """ obj.save_object(include_self_link=include_self_link, dest_href=dest_href)
[docs]def read_dict(d, href=None, root=None): """Reads a STAC object from a dict representing the serialized JSON version of the STAC object. This method will return either a Catalog, a Collection, or an Item based on what the dict contains. This is a convenience method for :meth:`pystac.serialization.stac_object_from_dict` Args: d (dict): The dict to parse. href (str): Optional href that is the file location of the object being parsed. root (Catalog or Collection): Optional root of the catalog for this object. If provided, the root's resolved object cache can be used to search for previously resolved instances of the STAC object. """ return stac_object_from_dict(d, href, root)