PySTAC Documentation#

PySTAC is a library for working with SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs (STAC) in Python 3. Some nice features of PySTAC are:

  • Reading and writing STAC version 1.0. Future versions will read older versions of STAC, but always write the latest supported version. See STAC Spec Version Support for details.

  • In-memory manipulations of STAC catalogs.

  • Extend the I/O of STAC metadata to provide support for other platforms (e.g. cloud providers).

  • Easy, efficient crawling of STAC catalogs. STAC objects are only read in when needed.

  • Easily write “absolute published”, “relative published” and “self-contained” catalogs as described in the best practices documentation.

Get Started

  • Installation: Instructions for installing the basic package as well as extras.

  • Quickstart: Jupyter notebook tutorial on using PySTAC for reading & writing STAC catalogs.

Go Deeper

  • Concepts: Overview of how various concepts and structures from the STAC Specification are implemented within PySTAC.

  • Tutorials: In-depth tutorials on using PySTAC for a number of different applications.

  • API Reference: Detailed API documentation of PySTAC classes, methods, and functions.