Contributing ============ A list of issues and ongoing work is available on the PySTAC `issues page `_. If you want to contribute code, the best way is to coordinate with the core developers via an issue or pull request conversation. Development installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fork PySTAC into your GitHub account. Then, clone the repo and install it locally with pip as follows: .. code-block:: bash git clone cd pystac pip install -e '.[test]' Testing ^^^^^^^ tl;dr: Run ``./scripts/test`` to run all tests as they run on CI. PySTAC runs tests using `pytest `_. You can find unit tests in the ``tests/`` directory. To run the tests and generate the coverage report: .. code-block:: bash $ pytest -v -s --block-network --cov pystac --cov-report term-missing To view the coverage report, you can run `coverage report` (to view the report in the terminal) or `coverage html` (to generate an HTML report that can be opened in a browser). The PySTAC tests use `vcrpy `_ to mock API calls with "pre-recorded" API responses. This often comes up when testing validation. When adding new tests that require pulling remote files use the ``@pytest.mark.vcr`` decorator. Record the new responses and commit them to the repository. .. code-block:: bash $ pytest -v -s --record-mode new_episodes $ git add $ git commit -a -m 'new test episodes' Code quality checks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tl;dr: Run ``pre-commit install --overwrite`` to perform checks when committing, and ``./scripts/test`` to run all checks and tests. PySTAC uses - `ruff `_ for Python code linting - `black `_ for Python code formatting - `codespell `_ to check code for common misspellings - `doc8 `__ for style checking on RST files in the docs - `mypy `_ for Python type annotation checks Run all of these with ``pre-commit run --all-files`` or a single one using ``pre-commit run --all-files ID``, where ``ID`` is one of the command names above. For example, to format all the Python code, run ``pre-commit run --all-files black``. You can also install a Git pre-commit hook which will run the relevant linters and formatters on any staged code when committing. This will be much faster than running on all files, which is usually [#]_ only required when changing the pre-commit version or configuration. Once installed you can bypass this check by adding the ``--no-verify`` flag to Git commit commands, as in ``git commit --no-verify``. .. [#] In rare cases changes to one file might invalidate an unchanged file, such as when modifying the return type of a function used in another file. Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All new features or changes should include API documentation, in the form of docstrings. Additionally, if you are updating an extension version, check to see if that extension is used in the ``examples/`` STAC objects at the top level of the repository. If so, update the extension version, then re-run ``docs/quickstart.ipynb`` to include the new extension versions in the notebook cell output. Benchmarks ^^^^^^^^^^ PySTAC uses `asv `_ for benchmarking. Benchmarks are defined in the ``./benchmarks`` directory. Due to the inherent uncertainty in the environment of Github workflow runners, benchmarks are not executed in CI. If your changes may affect performance, use the provided script to run the benchmark suite locally. You'll need to install the benchmark dependencies first. This script will compare your current ``HEAD`` with the **main** branch and report any improvements or regressions. .. code-block:: bash pip install -e '.[bench]' scripts/bench The benchmark suite takes a while to run, and will report any significant changes to standard output. For example, here's a benchmark comparison between v1.0.0 and v1.6.1 (from `@gadomski's `_ computer):: before after ratio [eee06027] [579c071b] - 533±20μs 416±10μs 0.78 collection.CollectionBench.time_collection_from_file [gadomski/virtualenv-py3.10-orjson] - 329±8μs 235±10μs 0.72 collection.CollectionBench.time_collection_from_dict [gadomski/virtualenv-py3.10-orjson] - 332±10μs 231±4μs 0.70 collection.CollectionBench.time_collection_from_dict [gadomski/virtualenv-py3.10] - 174±4μs 106±2μs 0.61 item.ItemBench.time_item_from_dict [gadomski/virtualenv-py3.10] - 174±4μs 106±2μs 0.61 item.ItemBench.time_item_from_dict [gadomski/virtualenv-py3.10-orjson] before after ratio [eee06027] [579c071b] + 87.1±3μs 124±5μs 1.42 catalog.CatalogBench.time_catalog_from_dict [gadomski/virtualenv-py3.10] + 87.1±4μs 122±5μs 1.40 catalog.CatalogBench.time_catalog_from_dict [gadomski/virtualenv-py3.10-orjson] When developing new benchmarks, you can run a shortened version of the benchmark suite: .. code-block:: bash asv dev CHANGELOG ^^^^^^^^^ PySTAC maintains a `changelog `_ to track changes between releases. All PRs should make a changelog entry unless the change is trivial (e.g. fixing typos) or is entirely invisible to users who may be upgrading versions (e.g. an improvement to the CI system). For changelog entries, please link to the PR of that change. This needs to happen in a few steps: - Make a PR to PySTAC with your changes - Record the link to the PR - Push an additional commit to your branch with the changelog entry with the link to the PR. For more information on changelogs and how to write a good entry, see `keep a changelog `_. Style ^^^^^ In an effort to maintain a consistent codebase, PySTAC conforms to the following rules: .. code-block:: python # DO from datetime import datetime # DON't import datetime import datetime as dt The exception to this rule is when ``datetime`` is only imported for type checking and using the class directly interferes with another variable name. In this case, in the TYPE_CHECKING block you should do ``from datetime import datetime as Datetime``.