Source code for pystac.extensions.version

"""Implements the :stac-ext:`Versioning Indicators Extension <version>`."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from import Generator
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import (

from pystac import (
from pystac.errors import DeprecatedWarning
from pystac.extensions.base import ExtensionManagementMixin, PropertiesExtension
from pystac.extensions.hooks import ExtensionHooks
from pystac.extensions.item_assets import AssetDefinition
from pystac.utils import StringEnum, map_opt

T = TypeVar("T", Collection, Item, Catalog, Asset, AssetDefinition)
U = TypeVar("U", Collection, Item, Catalog)


# STAC fields - These are unusual for an extension in that they do not have
# a prefix.  e.g. nothing like "ver:"
VERSION: str = "version"
DEPRECATED: str = "deprecated"
EXPERIMENTAL: str = "experimental"

[docs]class VersionRelType(StringEnum): """A list of rel types defined in the Version Extension. See the :stac-ext:`Version Extension Relation types <version#relation-types>` documentation for details.""" LATEST = "latest-version" """Indicates a link pointing to a resource containing the latest version.""" PREDECESSOR = "predecessor-version" """Indicates a link pointing to a resource containing the predecessor version in the version history.""" SUCCESSOR = "successor-version" """Indicates a link pointing to a resource containing the successor version in the version history.""" HISTORY = "version-history" """This link points to a version history or changelog. This can be for example a Markdown file with the corresponding media type or a STAC Catalog or Collection. """
[docs]class BaseVersionExtension( Generic[T], PropertiesExtension, ExtensionManagementMixin[Union[Collection, Item, Catalog]], ): """A base extension that just gets and sets attributes, not links. Used for Assets and AssetDefinitions. """ name: Literal["version"] = "version"
[docs] def apply_base( self, version: str | None = None, deprecated: bool | None = None, experimental: bool | None = None, ) -> None: """Applies attributes to this extension object.""" self.version = version self.deprecated = deprecated self.experimental = experimental
@property def version(self) -> str | None: """Get or sets a version string of this object.""" return self._get_property(VERSION, str) @version.setter def version(self, v: str) -> None: self._set_property(VERSION, v, pop_if_none=True) @property def deprecated(self) -> bool | None: """Get or sets whether this object is deprecated. A value of ``True`` specifies that the object is deprecated with the potential to be removed. It should be transitioned out of usage as soon as possible and users should refrain from using it in new projects. A link with relation type ``latest-version`` SHOULD be added to the links and MUST refer to the resource that can be used instead. NOTE: A :class:`pystac.DeprecatedWarning` is issued if the ``deprecated`` property is ``True`` when deserializing a dictionary to an object. The :meth:`~pystac.extensions.version.ignore_deprecated` context manager is provided as a convenience to suppress these warnings: >>> with ignore_deprecated(): ... deprecated_item = pystac.Item.from_dict(deprecated_item_dict) """ return self._get_property(DEPRECATED, bool) @deprecated.setter def deprecated(self, v: bool | None) -> None: self._set_property(DEPRECATED, v, pop_if_none=True) @property def experimental(self) -> bool | None: """Get and set whether this object is experimental. Specifies that the context this field is used in (e.g. Asset or Collection) is experimental with the potential to break or be unstable. """ return self._get_property(EXPERIMENTAL, bool) @experimental.setter def experimental(self, v: bool | None) -> None: self._set_property(EXPERIMENTAL, v, pop_if_none=True)
[docs] @classmethod def get_schema_uri(cls) -> str: return SCHEMA_URI
[docs] @classmethod def ext(cls, obj: T, add_if_missing: bool = False) -> BaseVersionExtension[T]: """Extends the given STAC Object with properties from the :stac-ext:`Versioning Indicators Extension <version>`. Raises: pystac.ExtensionTypeError : If an invalid object type is passed. """ if isinstance(obj, Collection): cls.ensure_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing) return cast(BaseVersionExtension[T], CollectionVersionExtension(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, Catalog): cls.ensure_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing) return cast(BaseVersionExtension[T], CatalogVersionExtension(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, Item): cls.ensure_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing) return cast(BaseVersionExtension[T], ItemVersionExtension(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, Asset): cls.ensure_owner_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing) return cast(BaseVersionExtension[T], AssetVersionExtension(obj)) else: raise ExtensionTypeError(cls._ext_error_message(obj))
[docs]class VersionExtension( Generic[U], BaseVersionExtension[U], ): """An abstract class that can be used to extend the properties of an :class:`~pystac.Item`, :class:`~pystac.Collection`, or :class:`~pystac.Catalog` with properties from the :stac-ext:`Versioning Indicators Extension <version>`. This class is generic over the type of STAC Object to be extended. To create a concrete instance of :class:`VersionExtension`, use the :meth:`VersionExtension.ext` method. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> item: pystac.Item = ... >>> version_ext = VersionExtension.ext(item) """ obj: STACObject def __init__(self, obj: STACObject) -> None: self.obj = obj
[docs] def apply( self, version: str | None = None, deprecated: bool | None = None, experimental: bool | None = None, latest: U | None = None, predecessor: U | None = None, successor: U | None = None, ) -> None: """Applies version extension properties to the extended :class:`~pystac.Item` or :class:`~pystac.Collection`. Args: version : The version string for the item. deprecated : Optional flag set to ``True`` if an Item is deprecated with the potential to be removed. Defaults to ``False`` if not present. latest : Item representing the latest (e.g., current) version. predecessor : Item representing the resource containing the predecessor version in the version history. successor : Item representing the resource containing the successor version in the version history. """ self.apply_base(version, deprecated, experimental) if latest: self.latest = latest if predecessor: self.predecessor = predecessor if successor: self.successor = successor
@property def latest(self) -> U | None: """Gets or sets the :class:`~pystac.Link` to the :class:`~pystac.Item` representing the most recent version. """ return map_opt( lambda x: cast(U, x), next(iter(self.obj.get_stac_objects(VersionRelType.LATEST)), None), ) @latest.setter def latest(self, value: U | None) -> None: self.obj.clear_links(VersionRelType.LATEST) if value is not None: self.obj.add_link(Link(VersionRelType.LATEST, value, MediaType.JSON)) @property def predecessor(self) -> U | None: """Gets or sets the :class:`~pystac.Link` to the :class:`~pystac.Item` representing the resource containing the predecessor version in the version history. """ return map_opt( lambda x: cast(U, x), next(iter(self.obj.get_stac_objects(VersionRelType.PREDECESSOR)), None), ) @predecessor.setter def predecessor(self, value: U | None) -> None: self.obj.clear_links(VersionRelType.PREDECESSOR) if value is not None: self.obj.add_link( Link( VersionRelType.PREDECESSOR, value, MediaType.JSON, ) ) @property def successor(self) -> U | None: """Gets or sets the :class:`~pystac.Link` to the :class:`~pystac.Item` representing the resource containing the successor version in the version history. """ return map_opt( lambda x: cast(U, x), next(iter(self.obj.get_stac_objects(VersionRelType.SUCCESSOR)), None), ) @successor.setter def successor(self, value: U | None) -> None: self.obj.clear_links(VersionRelType.SUCCESSOR) if value is not None: self.obj.add_link(Link(VersionRelType.SUCCESSOR, value, MediaType.JSON))
[docs] @classmethod def ext(cls, obj: U, add_if_missing: bool = False) -> VersionExtension[U]: """Extends the given STAC Object with properties from the :stac-ext:`Versioning Indicators Extension <version>`. This extension can be applied to instances of :class:`~pystac.Item` or :class:`~pystac.Collection`. Raises: pystac.ExtensionTypeError : If an invalid object type is passed. """ if isinstance(obj, Collection): cls.ensure_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing) return cast(VersionExtension[U], CollectionVersionExtension(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, Catalog): cls.ensure_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing) return cast(VersionExtension[U], CatalogVersionExtension(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, Item): cls.ensure_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing) return cast(VersionExtension[U], ItemVersionExtension(obj)) else: raise ExtensionTypeError(cls._ext_error_message(obj))
[docs]class CatalogVersionExtension(VersionExtension[Catalog]): """A concrete implementation of :class:`VersionExtension` on a :class:`~pystac.Catalog` that extends the properties of the Catalog to include properties defined in the :stac-ext:`Versioning Indicators Extension <version>`. This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, call :meth:`VersionExtension.ext` on an :class:`~pystac.Catalog` to extend it. """ catalog: Catalog links: list[Link] properties: dict[str, Any] def __init__(self, catalog: Catalog): self.catalog = catalog = catalog.extra_fields self.links = catalog.links super().__init__(self.catalog) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<CatalogVersionExtension Item id={}>"
[docs]class CollectionVersionExtension(VersionExtension[Collection]): """A concrete implementation of :class:`VersionExtension` on a :class:`~pystac.Collection` that extends the properties of the Collection to include properties defined in the :stac-ext:`Versioning Indicators Extension <version>`. This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, call :meth:`VersionExtension.ext` on an :class:`~pystac.Collection` to extend it. """ collection: Collection links: list[Link] properties: dict[str, Any] def __init__(self, collection: Collection): self.collection = collection = collection.extra_fields self.links = collection.links super().__init__(self.collection) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<CollectionVersionExtension Item id={}>"
[docs]class ItemVersionExtension(VersionExtension[Item]): """A concrete implementation of :class:`VersionExtension` on an :class:`~pystac.Item` that extends the properties of the Item to include properties defined in the :stac-ext:`Versioning Indicators Extension <version>`. This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, call :meth:`VersionExtension.ext` on an :class:`~pystac.Item` to extend it. """ item: Item links: list[Link] properties: dict[str, Any] def __init__(self, item: Item): self.item = item = self.links = item.links super().__init__(self.item) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<ItemVersionExtension Item id={}>"
[docs]class AssetVersionExtension(BaseVersionExtension[Asset]): """A concrete implementation of :class:`VersionExtension` on an :class:`~pystac.Asset` that extends the properties of the Asset to include properties defined in the :stac-ext:`Versioning Indicators Extension <version>`. This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, call :meth:`VersionExtension.ext` on an :class:`~pystac.Asset` to extend it. """ asset: Asset properties: dict[str, Any] def __init__(self, asset: Asset): self.asset = asset = asset.extra_fields def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<AssetVersionExtension Asset href={self.asset.href}>"
[docs]class ItemAssetsViewExtension(BaseVersionExtension[AssetDefinition]): properties: dict[str, Any] def __init__(self, item_asset: AssetDefinition): =
[docs]class VersionExtensionHooks(ExtensionHooks): schema_uri = SCHEMA_URI prev_extension_ids = { "version", "", "", } stac_object_types = { STACObjectType.COLLECTION, STACObjectType.ITEM, STACObjectType.CATALOG, }
VERSION_EXTENSION_HOOKS: ExtensionHooks = VersionExtensionHooks()
[docs]@contextmanager def ignore_deprecated() -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Context manager for suppressing the :class:`pystac.DeprecatedWarning` when creating a deprecated :class:`~pystac.Item` or :class:`~pystac.Collection` from a dictionary.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=DeprecatedWarning) yield