Source code for pystac.item

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TypeVar, cast

import pystac
from pystac import RelType, STACError, STACObjectType
from pystac.asset import Asset, Assets
from pystac.catalog import Catalog
from pystac.collection import Collection
from pystac.errors import DeprecatedWarning, ExtensionNotImplemented
from import Link
from pystac.serialization import (
from pystac.stac_object import STACObject
from pystac.utils import (

T = TypeVar("T", bound="Item")

    # avoids conflicts since there are also kwargs and attrs called `datetime`
    from datetime import datetime as Datetime

    from pystac.extensions.ext import ItemExt

[docs]class Item(STACObject, Assets): """An Item is the core granular entity in a STAC, containing the core metadata that enables any client to search or crawl online catalogs of spatial 'assets' - satellite imagery, derived data, DEM's, etc. Args: id : Provider identifier. Must be unique within the STAC. geometry : Defines the full footprint of the asset represented by this item, formatted according to `RFC 7946, section 3.1 (GeoJSON) <>`_. bbox : Bounding Box of the asset represented by this item using either 2D or 3D geometries. The length of the array must be 2*n where n is the number of dimensions. Could also be None in the case of a null geometry. datetime : datetime associated with this item. If None, a start_datetime and end_datetime must be supplied. properties : A dictionary of additional metadata for the item. start_datetime : Optional start datetime, part of common metadata. This value will override any `start_datetime` key in properties. end_datetime : Optional end datetime, part of common metadata. This value will override any `end_datetime` key in properties. stac_extensions : Optional list of extensions the Item implements. href : Optional HREF for this item, which be set as the item's self link's HREF. collection : The Collection or Collection ID that this item belongs to. extra_fields : Extra fields that are part of the top-level JSON properties of the Item. assets : A dictionary mapping string keys to :class:`~pystac.Asset` objects. All :class:`~pystac.Asset` values in the dictionary will have their :attr:`~pystac.Asset.owner` attribute set to the created Item. """ assets: dict[str, Asset] """Dictionary of :class:`~pystac.Asset` objects, each with a unique key.""" bbox: list[float] | None """Bounding Box of the asset represented by this item using either 2D or 3D geometries. The length of the array is 2*n where n is the number of dimensions. Could also be None in the case of a null geometry.""" collection: Collection | None """:class:`~pystac.Collection` to which this Item belongs, if any.""" collection_id: str | None """The Collection ID that this item belongs to, if any.""" datetime: Datetime | None """Datetime associated with this item. If ``None``, then :attr:`~pystac.CommonMetadata.start_datetime` and :attr:`~pystac.CommonMetadata.end_datetime` in :attr:`~pystac.Item.common_metadata` will supply the datetime range of the Item.""" extra_fields: dict[str, Any] """Extra fields that are part of the top-level JSON fields the Item.""" geometry: dict[str, Any] | None """Defines the full footprint of the asset represented by this item, formatted according to `RFC 7946, section 3.1 (GeoJSON) <>`_.""" id: str """Provider identifier. Unique within the STAC.""" links: list[Link] """A list of :class:`~pystac.Link` objects representing all links associated with this Item.""" properties: dict[str, Any] """A dictionary of additional metadata for the Item.""" stac_extensions: list[str] """List of extensions the Item implements.""" STAC_OBJECT_TYPE = STACObjectType.ITEM def __init__( self, id: str, geometry: dict[str, Any] | None, bbox: list[float] | None, datetime: Datetime | None, properties: dict[str, Any], start_datetime: Datetime | None = None, end_datetime: Datetime | None = None, stac_extensions: list[str] | None = None, href: str | None = None, collection: str | Collection | None = None, extra_fields: dict[str, Any] | None = None, assets: dict[str, Asset] | None = None, ): super().__init__(stac_extensions or []) = id self.geometry = geometry self.bbox = bbox = properties if extra_fields is None: self.extra_fields = {} else: self.extra_fields = extra_fields self.assets: dict[str, Asset] = {} self.datetime: Datetime | None = None if start_datetime: properties["start_datetime"] = datetime_to_str(start_datetime) if end_datetime: properties["end_datetime"] = datetime_to_str(end_datetime) if datetime is None: if "start_datetime" not in properties or "end_datetime" not in properties: raise STACError( "Invalid Item: If datetime is None, " "a start_datetime and end_datetime " "must be supplied." ) self.datetime = None else: self.datetime = datetime if href is not None: self.set_self_href(href) self.collection_id: str | None = None if collection is not None: if isinstance(collection, Collection): self.set_collection(collection) else: self.collection_id = collection self.assets = {} if assets is not None: for k, asset in assets.items(): self.add_asset(k, asset) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Item id={}>" def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Ensure that pystac does not encode too much information when pickling""" d = self.__dict__.copy() d["links"] = [ link.to_dict() if link.get_href() else link for link in d["links"] ] return d def __setstate__(self, state: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Ensure that pystac knows how to decode the pickled object""" d = state.copy() d["links"] = [ Link.from_dict(link).set_owner(self) if isinstance(link, dict) else link for link in d["links"] ] self.__dict__ = d
[docs] def set_self_href(self, href: str | None) -> None: """Sets the absolute HREF that is represented by the ``rel == 'self'`` :class:`~pystac.Link`. Changing the self HREF of the item will ensure that all asset HREFs remain valid. If asset HREFs are relative, the HREFs will change to point to the same location based on the new item self HREF, either by making them relative to the new location or making them absolute links if the new location does not share the same protocol as the old location. Args: href : The absolute HREF of this object. If the given HREF is not absolute, it will be transformed to an absolute HREF based on the current working directory. If this is None the call will clear the self HREF link. """ prev_href = self.get_self_href() super().set_self_href(href) new_href = self.get_self_href() # May have been made absolute. if prev_href is not None and new_href is not None: # Make sure relative asset links remain valid. for asset in self.assets.values(): asset_href = asset.href if not is_absolute_href(asset_href): abs_href = make_absolute_href(asset_href, prev_href) new_relative_href = make_relative_href(abs_href, new_href) asset.href = new_relative_href
[docs] def get_datetime(self, asset: Asset | None = None) -> Datetime | None: """Gets an Item or an Asset datetime. If an Asset is supplied and the Item property exists on the Asset, returns the Asset's value. Otherwise returns the Item's value. Returns: datetime or None """ if asset is None or "datetime" not in asset.extra_fields: return self.datetime else: asset_dt = asset.extra_fields.get("datetime") if asset_dt is None: return None else: return str_to_datetime(asset_dt)
[docs] def set_datetime(self, datetime: Datetime, asset: Asset | None = None) -> None: """Set an Item or an Asset datetime. If an Asset is supplied, sets the property on the Asset. Otherwise sets the Item's value. """ if asset is None: self.datetime = datetime else: asset.extra_fields["datetime"] = datetime_to_str(datetime)
[docs] def set_collection(self, collection: Collection | None) -> Item: """Set the collection of this item. This method will replace any existing Collection link and attribute for this item. Args: collection : The collection to set as this item's collection. If None, will clear the collection. Returns: Item: self """ self.remove_links(pystac.RelType.COLLECTION) self.collection_id = None if collection is not None: self.add_link(Link.collection(collection)) self.collection_id = return self
[docs] def get_collection(self) -> Collection | None: """Gets the collection of this item, if one exists. Returns: Collection or None: If this item belongs to a collection, returns a reference to the collection. Otherwise returns None. """ collection_link = self.get_single_link(pystac.RelType.COLLECTION) if collection_link is None: return None else: return cast( Collection, collection_link.resolve_stac_object(self.get_root()).target )
[docs] def add_derived_from(self, *items: Item | str) -> Item: """Add one or more items that this is derived from. This method will add to any existing "derived_from" links. Args: items : Items (or href of items) to add to derived_from links. Returns: Item: self """ for item in items: self.add_link(Link.derived_from(item)) return self
[docs] def remove_derived_from(self, item_id: str) -> None: """Remove an item that this is derived from. This method will remove from existing "derived_from" links. Args: item_id : ID of item to remove from derived_from links. """ new_links: list[pystac.Link] = [] for link in self.links: if link.rel != pystac.RelType.DERIVED_FROM: new_links.append(link) else: try: item = cast(Item, link.resolve_stac_object().target) except Exception as e: raise pystac.STACError( "Link failed to resolve. Use remove_links instead." ) from e if != item_id: new_links.append(link) self.links = new_links
[docs] def get_derived_from(self) -> list[Item]: """Get the items that this is derived from. Returns: List[Item]: Returns a reference to the derived_from items. """ links = self.get_links(pystac.RelType.DERIVED_FROM) try: return [cast(Item, link.resolve_stac_object().target) for link in links] except Exception as e: raise pystac.STACError( "Link failed to resolve. Use get_links instead." ) from e
[docs] def to_dict( self, include_self_link: bool = True, transform_hrefs: bool = True ) -> dict[str, Any]: links = self.links if not include_self_link: links = [x for x in links if x.rel != pystac.RelType.SELF] assets = {k: v.to_dict() for k, v in self.assets.items()} if self.datetime is not None:["datetime"] = datetime_to_str(self.datetime) else:["datetime"] = None d: dict[str, Any] = { "type": "Feature", "stac_version": pystac.get_stac_version(), "id":, "properties":, "geometry": self.geometry, "links": [link.to_dict(transform_href=transform_hrefs) for link in links], "assets": assets, } if self.bbox is not None: d["bbox"] = self.bbox if self.stac_extensions is not None: d["stac_extensions"] = self.stac_extensions if self.collection_id: d["collection"] = self.collection_id for key in self.extra_fields: d[key] = self.extra_fields[key] return d
[docs] def clone(self) -> Item: cls = self.__class__ clone = cls(, geometry=deepcopy(self.geometry), bbox=copy(self.bbox), datetime=copy(self.datetime), properties=deepcopy(, stac_extensions=deepcopy(self.stac_extensions), collection=self.collection_id, assets={k: asset.clone() for k, asset in self.assets.items()}, ) for link in self.links: clone.add_link(link.clone()) return clone
def _object_links(self) -> list[str | pystac.RelType]: return [ pystac.RelType.COLLECTION, *pystac.EXTENSION_HOOKS.get_extended_object_links(self), ]
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict( cls: type[T], d: dict[str, Any], href: str | None = None, root: Catalog | None = None, migrate: bool = False, preserve_dict: bool = True, ) -> T: from pystac.extensions.version import ItemVersionExtension if preserve_dict: d = deepcopy(d) if migrate: info = identify_stac_object(d) d = migrate_to_latest(d, info) if not cls.matches_object_type(d): raise pystac.STACTypeError(d, cls) # some fields are passed through to __init__ pass_through_fields = [ "id", "geometry", "bbox", "stac_extensions", "collection", ] # some fields need some parsing or special handling parse_fields = ["links", "assets", "properties"] links = d.get("links", []) assets = d.get("assets", {}) properties = d.get("properties", {}) datetime = properties.get("datetime") if datetime is not None: datetime = str_to_datetime(datetime) # some fields are excluded from __init__ entirely exclude_fields = ["type", "stac_version"] # get all the fields that are not passed through, parsed, or excluded extra_fields = { k: v for k, v in d.items() if k not in [*pass_through_fields, *parse_fields, *exclude_fields] } item = cls( **{k: d.get(k) for k in pass_through_fields}, # type: ignore datetime=datetime, properties=properties, extra_fields=extra_fields, href=href, assets={k: Asset.from_dict(v) for k, v in assets.items()}, ) for link in links: if href is None or link.get("rel", None) != RelType.SELF: item.add_link(Link.from_dict(link)) if root: item.set_root(root) try: version = ItemVersionExtension.ext(item) if version.deprecated: warnings.warn( f"The item '{}' is deprecated.", DeprecatedWarning, ) # Item asset deprecation checks pending version extension support except ExtensionNotImplemented: pass return item
@property def common_metadata(self) -> pystac.CommonMetadata: """Access the item's common metadata fields as a :class:`~pystac.CommonMetadata` object.""" return pystac.CommonMetadata(self)
[docs] def full_copy( self, root: Catalog | None = None, parent: Catalog | None = None ) -> Item: return cast(Item, super().full_copy(root, parent))
[docs] @classmethod def matches_object_type(cls, d: dict[str, Any]) -> bool: for field in ("type", "stac_version"): if field not in d: raise pystac.STACTypeError(d, cls, f"'{field}' is missing.") return identify_stac_object_type(d) == STACObjectType.ITEM
@property def __geo_interface__(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Returns this item as a dictionary. This just calls `to_dict` without self links or transforming any hrefs. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: This item as a dictionary. """ return self.to_dict(include_self_link=False, transform_hrefs=False) @property def ext(self) -> ItemExt: """Accessor for extension classes on this item Example:: item.ext.proj.epsg = 4326 """ from pystac.extensions.ext import ItemExt return ItemExt(stac_object=self)