Source code for pystac.collection

from collections import abc
from datetime import datetime
import dateutil.parser
from dateutil import tz
from copy import (copy, deepcopy)
from pystac import (STACObjectType, CatalogType)
from pystac.catalog import Catalog
from import Link
from pystac.utils import datetime_to_str

[docs]class Collection(Catalog): """A Collection extends the Catalog spec with additional metadata that helps enable discovery. Args: id (str): Identifier for the collection. Must be unique within the STAC. description (str): Detailed multi-line description to fully explain the collection. `CommonMark 0.28 syntax <>`_ MAY be used for rich text representation. extent (Extent): Spatial and temporal extents that describe the bounds of all items contained within this Collection. title (str or None): Optional short descriptive one-line title for the collection. stac_extensions (List[str]): Optional list of extensions the Collection implements. href (str or None): Optional HREF for this collection, which be set as the collection's self link's HREF. catalog_type (str or None): Optional catalog type for this catalog. Must be one of the values in :class`~pystac.CatalogType`. license (str): Collection's license(s) as a `SPDX License identifier <>`_, `various`, or `proprietary`. If collection includes data with multiple different licenses, use `various` and add a link for each. Defaults to 'proprietary'. keywords (List[str]): Optional list of keywords describing the collection. providers (List[Provider]): Optional list of providers of this Collection. properties (dict): Optional dict of common fields across referenced items. summaries (dict): An optional map of property summaries, either a set of values or statistics such as a range. extra_fields (dict or None): Extra fields that are part of the top-level JSON properties of the Collection. Attributes: id (str): Identifier for the collection. description (str): Detailed multi-line description to fully explain the collection. extent (Extent): Spatial and temporal extents that describe the bounds of all items contained within this Collection. title (str or None): Optional short descriptive one-line title for the collection. stac_extensions (List[str]): Optional list of extensions the Collection implements. keywords (List[str] or None): Optional list of keywords describing the collection. providers (List[Provider] or None): Optional list of providers of this Collection. properties (dict or None): Optional dict of common fields across referenced items. summaries (dict or None): An optional map of property summaries, either a set of values or statistics such as a range. links (List[Link]): A list of :class:`~pystac.Link` objects representing all links associated with this Collection. extra_fields (dict or None): Extra fields that are part of the top-level JSON properties of the Catalog. """ STAC_OBJECT_TYPE = STACObjectType.COLLECTION DEFAULT_FILE_NAME = "collection.json" """Default file name that will be given to this STAC object in a cononical format.""" def __init__(self, id, description, extent, title=None, stac_extensions=None, href=None, extra_fields=None, catalog_type=None, license='proprietary', keywords=None, providers=None, properties=None, summaries=None): super(Collection, self).__init__(id, description, title, stac_extensions, extra_fields, href, catalog_type) self.extent = extent self.license = license self.stac_extensions = stac_extensions self.keywords = keywords self.providers = providers = properties self.summaries = summaries def __repr__(self): return '<Collection id={}>'.format(
[docs] def add_item(self, item, title=None): super(Collection, self).add_item(item, title) item.set_collection(self)
[docs] def to_dict(self, include_self_link=True): d = super(Collection, self).to_dict(include_self_link) d['extent'] = self.extent.to_dict() d['license'] = self.license if self.stac_extensions is not None: d['stac_extensions'] = self.stac_extensions if self.keywords is not None: d['keywords'] = self.keywords if self.providers is not None: d['providers'] = list(map(lambda x: x.to_dict(), self.providers)) if is not None: d['properties'] = if self.summaries is not None: d['summaries'] = self.summaries return d
[docs] def clone(self): clone = Collection(, description=self.description, extent=self.extent.clone(), title=self.title, stac_extensions=self.stac_extensions, extra_fields=self.extra_fields, catalog_type=self.catalog_type, license=self.license, keywords=self.keywords, providers=self.providers,, summaries=self.summaries) clone._resolved_objects.cache(clone) for link in self.links: if link.rel == 'root': # Collection __init__ sets correct root to clone; don't reset # if the root link points to self root_is_self = link.is_resolved() and is self if not root_is_self: clone.set_root(None) clone.add_link(link.clone()) else: clone.add_link(link.clone()) return clone
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d, href=None, root=None): catalog_type = CatalogType.determine_type(d) d = deepcopy(d) id = d.pop('id') description = d.pop('description') license = d.pop('license') extent = Extent.from_dict(d.pop('extent')) title = d.get('title') stac_extensions = d.get('stac_extensions') keywords = d.get('keywords') providers = d.get('providers') if providers is not None: providers = list(map(lambda x: Provider.from_dict(x), providers)) properties = d.get('properties') summaries = d.get('summaries') links = d.pop('links') d.pop('stac_version') collection = Collection(id=id, description=description, extent=extent, title=title, stac_extensions=stac_extensions, extra_fields=d, license=license, keywords=keywords, providers=providers, properties=properties, summaries=summaries, href=href, catalog_type=catalog_type) for link in links: if link['rel'] == 'root': # Remove the link that's generated in Catalog's constructor. collection.remove_links('root') if link['rel'] != 'self' or href is None: collection.add_link(Link.from_dict(link)) return collection
[docs] def update_extent_from_items(self): """ Update datetime and bbox based on all items to a single bbox and time window. """ self.extent = Extent.from_items(self.get_all_items())
[docs]class Extent: """Describes the spatio-temporal extents of a Collection. Args: spatial (SpatialExtent): Potential spatial extent covered by the collection. temporal (TemporalExtent): Potential temporal extent covered by the collection. Attributes: spatial (SpatialExtent): Potential spatial extent covered by the collection. temporal (TemporalExtent): Potential temporal extent covered by the collection. """ def __init__(self, spatial, temporal): self.spatial = spatial self.temporal = temporal
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Generate a dictionary representing the JSON of this Extent. Returns: dict: A serializion of the Extent that can be written out as JSON. """ d = {'spatial': self.spatial.to_dict(), 'temporal': self.temporal.to_dict()} return d
[docs] def clone(self): """Clones this object. Returns: Extent: The clone of this extent. """ return Extent(spatial=copy(self.spatial), temporal=copy(self.temporal))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d): """Constructs an Extent from a dict. Returns: Extent: The Extent deserialized from the JSON dict. """ # Handle pre-0.8 spatial extents spatial_extent_dict = d['spatial'] if isinstance(spatial_extent_dict, list): spatial_extent_dict = {'bbox': [spatial_extent_dict]} # Handle pre-0.8 temporal extents temporal_extent_dict = d['temporal'] if isinstance(temporal_extent_dict, list): temporal_extent_dict = {'interval': [temporal_extent_dict]} return Extent(SpatialExtent.from_dict(spatial_extent_dict), TemporalExtent.from_dict(temporal_extent_dict))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_items(items): """Create an Extent based on the datetimes and bboxes of a list of items. Args: items (List[Item]): A list of items to derive the extent from. Returns: Extent: An Extent that spatially and temporally covers all of the given items. """ def extract_extent_props(item): return item.bbox + [ item.datetime, item.common_metadata.start_datetime, item.common_metadata.end_datetime ] xmins, ymins, xmaxs, ymaxs, datetimes, starts, ends = zip(*map(extract_extent_props, items)) if not any(datetimes + starts): start_timestamp = None else: start_timestamp = min([ dt if dt.tzinfo else dt.replace(tzinfo=tz.UTC) for dt in filter(None, datetimes + starts) ]) if not any(datetimes + ends): end_timestamp = None else: end_timestamp = max([ dt if dt.tzinfo else dt.replace(tzinfo=tz.UTC) for dt in filter(None, datetimes + ends) ]) spatial = SpatialExtent([[min(xmins), min(ymins), max(xmaxs), max(ymaxs)]]) temporal = TemporalExtent([[start_timestamp, end_timestamp]]) return Extent(spatial, temporal)
[docs]class SpatialExtent: """Describes the spatial extent of a Collection. Args: bboxes (List[List[float]]): A list of bboxes that represent the spatial extent of the collection. Each bbox can be 2D or 3D. The length of the bbox array must be 2*n where n is the number of dimensions. For example, a 2D Collection with only one bbox would be [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]] Attributes: bboxes (List[List[float]]): A list of bboxes that represent the spatial extent of the collection. Each bbox can be 2D or 3D. The length of the bbox array must be 2*n where n is the number of dimensions. For example, a 2D Collection with only one bbox would be [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]] """ def __init__(self, bboxes): # A common mistake is to pass in a single bbox instead of a list of bboxes. # Account for this by transforming the input in that case. if isinstance(bboxes, abc.Sequence): if not isinstance(bboxes[0], abc.Sequence): bboxes = [bboxes] self.bboxes = bboxes
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Generate a dictionary representing the JSON of this SpatialExtent. Returns: dict: A serializion of the SpatialExtent that can be written out as JSON. """ d = {'bbox': self.bboxes} return d
[docs] def clone(self): """Clones this object. Returns: SpatialExtent: The clone of this object. """ return SpatialExtent(self.bboxes)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d): """Constructs an SpatialExtent from a dict. Returns: SpatialExtent: The SpatialExtent deserialized from the JSON dict. """ return SpatialExtent(bboxes=d['bbox'])
[docs] @staticmethod def from_coordinates(coordinates): """Constructs a SpatialExtent from a set of coordinates. This method will only produce a single bbox that covers all points in the coordinate set. Args: coordinates (List[float]): Coordinates to derive the bbox from. Returns: SpatialExtent: A SpatialExtent with a single bbox that covers the given coordinates. """ def process_coords(link, xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None): for coord in link: if type(coord[0]) is list: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = process_coords(coord, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) else: x, y = coord if xmin is None or x < xmin: xmin = x elif xmax is None or xmax < x: xmax = x if ymin is None or y < ymin: ymin = y elif ymax is None or ymax < y: ymax = y return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = process_coords(coordinates) return SpatialExtent([[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]])
[docs]class TemporalExtent: """Describes the temporal extent of a Collection. Args: intervals (List[List[datetime]]): A list of two datetimes wrapped in a list, representing the temporal extent of a Collection. Open date ranges are supported by setting either the start (the first element of the interval) or the end (the second element of the interval) to None. Attributes: intervals (List[List[datetime]]): A list of two datetimes wrapped in a list, representing the temporal extent of a Collection. Open date ranges are represented by either the start (the first element of the interval) or the end (the second element of the interval) being None. Note: Datetimes are required to be in UTC. """ def __init__(self, intervals): # A common mistake is to pass in a single interval instead of a # list of intervals. Account for this by transforming the input # in that case. if isinstance(intervals, abc.Sequence): if not isinstance(intervals[0], abc.Sequence): intervals = [intervals] self.intervals = intervals
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Generate a dictionary representing the JSON of this TemporalExtent. Returns: dict: A serializion of the TemporalExtent that can be written out as JSON. """ encoded_intervals = [] for i in self.intervals: start = None end = None if i[0]: start = datetime_to_str(i[0]) if i[1]: end = datetime_to_str(i[1]) encoded_intervals.append([start, end]) d = {'interval': encoded_intervals} return d
[docs] def clone(self): """Clones this object. Returns: TemporalExtent: The clone of this object. """ return TemporalExtent(intervals=copy(self.intervals))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d): """Constructs an TemporalExtent from a dict. Returns: TemporalExtent: The TemporalExtent deserialized from the JSON dict. """ parsed_intervals = [] for i in d['interval']: start = None end = None if i[0]: start = dateutil.parser.parse(i[0]) if i[1]: end = dateutil.parser.parse(i[1]) parsed_intervals.append([start, end]) return TemporalExtent(intervals=parsed_intervals)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_now(): """Constructs an TemporalExtent with a single open interval that has the start time as the current time. Returns: TemporalExtent: The resulting TemporalExtent. """ return TemporalExtent(intervals=[[datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0), None]])
[docs]class Provider: """Provides information about a provider of STAC data. A provider is any of the organizations that captured or processed the content of the collection and therefore influenced the data offered by this collection. May also include information about the final storage provider hosting the data. Args: name (str): The name of the organization or the individual. description (str): Optional multi-line description to add further provider information such as processing details for processors and producers, hosting details for hosts or basic contact information. roles (List[str]): Optional roles of the provider. Any of licensor, producer, processor or host. url (str): Optional homepage on which the provider describes the dataset and publishes contact information. Attributes: name (str): The name of the organization or the individual. description (str): Optional multi-line description to add further provider information such as processing details for processors and producers, hosting details for hosts or basic contact information. roles (List[str]): Optional roles of the provider. Any of licensor, producer, processor or host. url (str): Optional homepage on which the provider describes the dataset and publishes contact information. """ def __init__(self, name, description=None, roles=None, url=None): = name self.description = description self.roles = roles self.url = url
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Generate a dictionary representing the JSON of this Provider. Returns: dict: A serializion of the Provider that can be written out as JSON. """ d = {'name':} if self.description is not None: d['description'] = self.description if self.roles is not None: d['roles'] = self.roles if self.url is not None: d['url'] = self.url return d
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d): """Constructs an Provider from a dict. Returns: TemporalExtent: The Provider deserialized from the JSON dict. """ return Provider(name=d['name'], description=d.get('description'), roles=d.get('roles'), url=d.get('url'))