Source code for pystac.extensions.sar

"""Implement the STAC Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) Extension.

import enum
from typing import List, Optional, TypeVar

import pystac
from pystac import Extensions
from pystac.extensions import base

# Required
INSTRUMENT_MODE: str = 'sar:instrument_mode'
FREQUENCY_BAND: str = 'sar:frequency_band'
POLARIZATIONS: str = 'sar:polarizations'
PRODUCT_TYPE: str = 'sar:product_type'

# Not required
CENTER_FREQUENCY: str = 'sar:center_frequency'
RESOLUTION_RANGE: str = 'sar:resolution_range'
RESOLUTION_AZIMUTH: str = 'sar:resolution_azimuth'
PIXEL_SPACING_RANGE: str = 'sar:pixel_spacing_range'
PIXEL_SPACING_AZIMUTH: str = 'sar:pixel_spacing_azimuth'
LOOKS_RANGE: str = 'sar:looks_range'
LOOKS_AZIMUTH: str = 'sar:looks_azimuth'
LOOKS_EQUIVALENT_NUMBER: str = 'sar:looks_equivalent_number'
OBSERVATION_DIRECTION: str = 'sar:observation_direction'

SarItemExtType = TypeVar('SarItemExtType')

class FrequencyBand(enum.Enum):
    P: str = 'P'
    L: str = 'L'
    S: str = 'S'
    C: str = 'C'
    X: str = 'X'
    KU: str = 'Ku'
    K: str = 'K'
    KA: str = 'Ka'

class Polarization(enum.Enum):
    HH: str = 'HH'
    VV: str = 'VV'
    HV: str = 'HV'
    VH: str = 'VH'

class ObservationDirection(enum.Enum):
    LEFT: str = 'left'
    RIGHT: str = 'right'

[docs]class SarItemExt(base.ItemExtension): """SarItemExt extends Item to add sar properties to a STAC Item. Args: item (Item): The item to be extended. Attributes: item (Item): The item that is being extended. Note: Using SarItemExt to directly wrap an item will add the 'sar' extension ID to the item's stac_extensions. """ item: pystac.Item def __init__(self, an_item: pystac.Item) -> None: self.item = an_item
[docs] def apply(self, instrument_mode: str, frequency_band: FrequencyBand, polarizations: List[Polarization], product_type: str, center_frequency: Optional[float] = None, resolution_range: Optional[float] = None, resolution_azimuth: Optional[float] = None, pixel_spacing_range: Optional[float] = None, pixel_spacing_azimuth: Optional[float] = None, looks_range: Optional[int] = None, looks_azimuth: Optional[int] = None, looks_equivalent_number: Optional[float] = None, observation_direction: Optional[ObservationDirection] = None): """Applies sar extension properties to the extended Item. Args: instrument_mode (str): The name of the sensor acquisition mode that is commonly used. This should be the short name, if available. For example, WV for "Wave mode." frequency_band (FrequencyBand): The common name for the frequency band to make it easier to search for bands across instruments. See section "Common Frequency Band Names" for a list of accepted names. polarizations (List[Polarization]): Any combination of polarizations. product_type (str): The product type, for example SSC, MGD, or SGC. center_frequency (float): Optional center frequency of the instrument in gigahertz (GHz). resolution_range (float): Optional range resolution, which is the maximum ability to distinguish two adjacent targets perpendicular to the flight path, in meters (m). resolution_azimuth (float): Optional azimuth resolution, which is the maximum ability to distinguish two adjacent targets parallel to the flight path, in meters (m). pixel_spacing_range (float): Optional range pixel spacing, which is the distance between adjacent pixels perpendicular to the flight path, in meters (m). Strongly RECOMMENDED to be specified for products of type GRD. pixel_spacing_azimuth (float): Optional azimuth pixel spacing, which is the distance between adjacent pixels parallel to the flight path, in meters (m). Strongly RECOMMENDED to be specified for products of type GRD. looks_range (int): Optional number of groups of signal samples (looks) perpendicular to the flight path. looks_azimuth (int): Optional number of groups of signal samples (looks) parallel to the flight path. looks_equivalent_number (float): Optional equivalent number of looks (ENL). observation_direction (ObservationDirection): Optional Antenna pointing direction relative to the flight trajectory of the satellite. """ self.instrument_mode = instrument_mode self.frequency_band = frequency_band self.polarizations = polarizations self.product_type = product_type if center_frequency: self.center_frequency = center_frequency if resolution_range: self.resolution_range = resolution_range if resolution_azimuth: self.resolution_azimuth = resolution_azimuth if pixel_spacing_range: self.pixel_spacing_range = pixel_spacing_range if pixel_spacing_azimuth: self.pixel_spacing_azimuth = pixel_spacing_azimuth if looks_range: self.looks_range = looks_range if looks_azimuth: self.looks_azimuth = looks_azimuth if looks_equivalent_number: self.looks_equivalent_number = looks_equivalent_number if observation_direction: self.observation_direction = observation_direction
[docs] @classmethod def from_item(cls: SarItemExtType, an_item: pystac.Item) -> SarItemExtType: return cls(an_item)
@classmethod def _object_links(cls) -> List: return [] @property def instrument_mode(self) -> str: """Get or sets an instrument mode string for the item. Returns: str """ return @instrument_mode.setter def instrument_mode(self, v: str) -> None:[INSTRUMENT_MODE] = v @property def frequency_band(self) -> FrequencyBand: """Get or sets a FrequencyBand for the item. Returns: FrequencyBand """ return FrequencyBand( @frequency_band.setter def frequency_band(self, v: FrequencyBand) -> None:[FREQUENCY_BAND] = v.value @property def polarizations(self) -> List[Polarization]: """Get or sets a list of polarizations for the item. Returns: List[Polarization] """ return [Polarization(v) for v in] @polarizations.setter def polarizations(self, values: List[Polarization]) -> None: if not isinstance(values, list): raise pystac.STACError(f'polarizations must be a list. Invalid "{values}"')[POLARIZATIONS] = [v.value for v in values] @property def product_type(self) -> str: """Get or sets a product type string for the item. Returns: str """ return @product_type.setter def product_type(self, v: str) -> None:[PRODUCT_TYPE] = v @property def center_frequency(self) -> float: """Get or sets a center frequency for the item. Returns: float """ return @center_frequency.setter def center_frequency(self, v: float) -> None:[CENTER_FREQUENCY] = v @property def resolution_range(self) -> float: """Get or sets a resolution range for the item. Returns: float """ return @resolution_range.setter def resolution_range(self, v: float) -> None:[RESOLUTION_RANGE] = v @property def resolution_azimuth(self) -> float: """Get or sets a resolution azimuth for the item. Returns: float """ return @resolution_azimuth.setter def resolution_azimuth(self, v: float) -> None:[RESOLUTION_AZIMUTH] = v @property def pixel_spacing_range(self) -> float: """Get or sets a pixel spacing range for the item. Returns: float """ return @pixel_spacing_range.setter def pixel_spacing_range(self, v: float) -> None:[PIXEL_SPACING_RANGE] = v @property def pixel_spacing_azimuth(self) -> float: """Get or sets a pixel spacing azimuth for the item. Returns: float """ return @pixel_spacing_azimuth.setter def pixel_spacing_azimuth(self, v: float) -> None:[PIXEL_SPACING_AZIMUTH] = v @property def looks_range(self) -> int: """Get or sets a looks range for the item. Returns: int """ return @looks_range.setter def looks_range(self, v: int) -> None:[LOOKS_RANGE] = v @property def looks_azimuth(self) -> int: """Get or sets a looks azimuth for the item. Returns: int """ return @looks_azimuth.setter def looks_azimuth(self, v: int) -> None:[LOOKS_AZIMUTH] = v @property def looks_equivalent_number(self) -> float: """Get or sets a looks equivalent number for the item. Returns: float """ return @looks_equivalent_number.setter def looks_equivalent_number(self, v: float) -> None:[LOOKS_EQUIVALENT_NUMBER] = v @property def observation_direction(self) -> ObservationDirection: """Get or sets an observation direction for the item. Returns: ObservationDirection """ return ObservationDirection( @observation_direction.setter def observation_direction(self, v: ObservationDirection) -> None:[OBSERVATION_DIRECTION] = v.value
SAR_EXTENSION_DEFINITION = base.ExtensionDefinition(Extensions.SAR, [ base.ExtendedObject(pystac.Item, SarItemExt), ])