Source code for pystac.serialization.migrate

import re
from copy import deepcopy

from pystac import STACObjectType
from pystac.version import STACVersion
from pystac.extensions import Extensions
from pystac.serialization.identify import (STACJSONDescription, STACVersionRange)

# STAC Object Types

def _migrate_links(d, version):
    if version < '0.6':
        if 'links' in d:
            if isinstance(d['links'], dict):
                d['links'] = list(d['links'].values())

def _migrate_catalog(d, version, info):
    _migrate_links(d, version)

    if version < '0.8':
        d['stac_extensions'] = info.common_extensions + info.custom_extensions

def _migrate_collection(d, version, info):
    _migrate_catalog(d, version, info)

def _migrate_item(d, version, info):
    _migrate_links(d, version)

    if version < '0.8':
        d['stac_extensions'] = info.common_extensions + info.custom_extensions

def _migrate_itemcollection(d, version, info):
    if version < '0.9.0':
        d['stac_extensions'] = info.common_extensions + info.custom_extensions

# Extensions

def _migrate_item_assets(d, version, info):
    if version < '1.0.0-beta.2':
        if info.object_type == STACObjectType.COLLECTION:
            if 'assets' in d:
                d['item_assets'] = d['assets']
                del d['assets']

def _migrate_checksum(d, version, info):

def _migrate_datacube(d, version, info):

def _migrate_datetime_range(d, version, info):
    if version < '0.9':
        # Datetime range was removed
        if 'dtr:start_datetime' in d['properties'] and 'start_datetime' not in d['properties']:
            d['properties']['start_datetime'] = d['properties']['dtr:start_datetime']
            del d['properties']['dtr:start_datetime']

        if 'dtr:end_datetime' in d['properties'] and 'end_datetime' not in d['properties']:
            d['properties']['end_datetime'] = d['properties']['dtr:end_datetime']
            del d['properties']['dtr:end_datetime']

def _migrate_eo(d, version, info):
    added_extensions = set([])
    if version < '0.5':
        if 'eo:crs' in d['properties']:
            # Try to pull out the EPSG code.
            # Otherwise, just leave it alone.
            wkt = d['properties']['eo:crs']
            matches = list(re.finditer(r'AUTHORITY\[[^\]]*\"(\d+)"\]', wkt))
            if len(matches) > 0:
                epsg_code = matches[-1].group(1)
                d['properties']['eo:epsg'] = int(epsg_code)

    if version < '0.6':
        # Change eo:bands from a dict to a list. eo:bands on an asset
        # is an index instead of a dict key. eo:bands is in properties.
        bands_dict = d['eo:bands']
        keys_to_indices = {}
        bands = []
        for i, (k, band) in enumerate(bands_dict.items()):
            keys_to_indices[k] = i

        d['properties']['eo:bands'] = bands
        for k, asset in d['assets'].items():
            if 'eo:bands' in asset:
                asset_band_indices = []
                for bk in asset['eo:bands']:
                asset['eo:bands'] = sorted(asset_band_indices)

    if version < '0.9':
        # Some eo fields became common_metadata
        if 'eo:platform' in d['properties'] and 'platform' not in d['properties']:
            d['properties']['platform'] = d['properties']['eo:platform']
            del d['properties']['eo:platform']

        if 'eo:instrument' in d['properties'] and 'instruments' not in d['properties']:
            d['properties']['instruments'] = [d['properties']['eo:instrument']]
            del d['properties']['eo:instrument']

        if 'eo:constellation' in d['properties'] and 'constellation' not in d['properties']:
            d['properties']['constellation'] = d['properties']['eo:constellation']
            del d['properties']['eo:constellation']

        # Some eo fields became view extension fields
        eo_to_view_fields = [
            'off_nadir', 'azimuth', 'incidence_angle', 'sun_azimuth', 'sun_elevation'

        view_enabled = 'view' in d['stac_extensions']
        for field in eo_to_view_fields:
            if 'eo:{}'.format(field) in d['properties']:
                if not view_enabled:
                    view_enabled = True
                if not 'view:{}'.format(field) in d['properties']:
                    d['properties']['view:{}'.format(field)] = \
                    del d['properties']['eo:{}'.format(field)]

    if version < '1.0.0-beta.1' and info.object_type == STACObjectType.ITEM:
        # gsd moved from eo to common metadata
        if 'eo:gsd' in d['properties']:
            d['properties']['gsd'] = d['properties']['eo:gsd']
            del d['properties']['eo:gsd']

        # The way bands were declared in assets changed.
        # In 1.0.0-beta.1 they are inlined into assets as
        # opposed to having indices back into a property-level array.
        if 'eo:bands' in d['properties']:
            bands = d['properties']['eo:bands']
            for asset in d['assets'].values():
                if 'eo:bands' in asset:
                    new_bands = []
                    for band_index in asset['eo:bands']:
                    asset['eo:bands'] = new_bands

    return added_extensions

def _migrate_label(d, version, info):
    if info.object_type == STACObjectType.ITEM and version < '1.0.0':
        props = d['properties']
        # Migrate 0.8.0-rc1 non-pluralized forms
        # As it's a common mistake, convert for any pre-1.0.0 version.
        if 'label:property' in props and 'label:properties' not in props:
            props['label:properties'] = props['label:property']
            del props['label:property']

        if 'label:task' in props and 'label:tasks' not in props:
            props['label:tasks'] = props['label:task']
            del props['label:task']

        if 'label:overview' in props and 'label:overviews' not in props:
            props['label:overviews'] = props['label:overview']
            del props['label:overview']

        if 'label:method' in props and 'label:methods' not in props:
            props['label:methods'] = props['label:method']
            del props['label:method']

def _migrate_pointcloud(d, version, info):

def _migrate_sar(d, version, info):
    if version < '0.9':
        # Some sar fields became common_metadata
        if 'sar:platform' in d['properties'] and 'platform' not in d['properties']:
            d['properties']['platform'] = d['properties']['sar:platform']
            del d['properties']['sar:platform']

        if 'sar:instrument' in d['properties'] and 'instruments' not in d['properties']:
            d['properties']['instruments'] = [d['properties']['sar:instrument']]
            del d['properties']['sar:instrument']

        if 'sar:constellation' in d['properties'] and 'constellation' not in d['properties']:
            d['properties']['constellation'] = d['properties']['sar:constellation']
            del d['properties']['sar:constellation']

def _migrate_scientific(d, version, info):

def _migrate_single_file_stac(d, version, info):

_object_migrations = {
    STACObjectType.CATALOG: _migrate_catalog,
    STACObjectType.COLLECTION: _migrate_collection,
    STACObjectType.ITEM: _migrate_item,
    STACObjectType.ITEMCOLLECTION: _migrate_itemcollection

_extension_migrations = {
    Extensions.CHECKSUM: _migrate_checksum,
    Extensions.DATACUBE: _migrate_datacube,
    Extensions.EO: _migrate_eo,
    Extensions.ITEM_ASSETS: _migrate_item_assets,
    Extensions.LABEL: _migrate_label,
    Extensions.POINTCLOUD: _migrate_pointcloud,
    Extensions.SAR: _migrate_sar,
    Extensions.SCIENTIFIC: _migrate_scientific,
    Extensions.SINGLE_FILE_STAC: _migrate_single_file_stac

_removed_extension_migrations = {
    # Removed in 0.9.0
    'dtr': _migrate_datetime_range,
    'datetime-range': _migrate_datetime_range,
    'commons': lambda a, b, c: None  # No changes needed, just remove the extension_id

_extension_renames = {'asset': 'item-assets'}

[docs]def migrate_to_latest(json_dict, info): """Migrates the STAC JSON to the latest version Args: json_dict (dict): The dict of STAC JSON to identify. info (STACJSONDescription): The info from :func:`~pystac.serialzation.identify.identify_stac_object` that describes the STAC object contained in the JSON dict. Returns: dict: A copy of the dict that is migrated to the latest version (the version that is pystac.version.STACVersion.DEFAULT_STAC_VERSION) """ result = deepcopy(json_dict) version = info.version_range.latest_valid_version() if version != STACVersion.DEFAULT_STAC_VERSION: _object_migrations[info.object_type](result, version, info) extensions_to_add = set([]) for ext in info.common_extensions: if ext in _extension_renames: result['stac_extensions'].remove(ext) ext = _extension_renames[ext] extensions_to_add.add(ext) if ext in _extension_migrations: added_extensions = _extension_migrations[ext](result, version, info) if added_extensions: extensions_to_add |= added_extensions if ext in _removed_extension_migrations: _removed_extension_migrations[ext](result, version, info) result['stac_extensions'].remove(ext) for ext in extensions_to_add: result['stac_extensions'].append(ext) migrated_extensions = set(info.common_extensions) migrated_extensions = migrated_extensions | set(extensions_to_add) migrated_extensions = migrated_extensions - set(_removed_extension_migrations.keys()) migrated_extensions = migrated_extensions - set(_extension_renames.keys()) common_extensions = list(migrated_extensions) else: common_extensions = info.common_extensions result['stac_version'] = STACVersion.DEFAULT_STAC_VERSION return result, STACJSONDescription( info.object_type, STACVersionRange(STACVersion.DEFAULT_STAC_VERSION, STACVersion.DEFAULT_STAC_VERSION), common_extensions, info.custom_extensions)