Source code for pystac.validation

# flake8: noqa
import pystac
from pystac.serialization.identify import identify_stac_object
from pystac.utils import make_absolute_href

from pystac.validation.schema_uri_map import (SchemaUriMap)

[docs]class STACValidationError(Exception): """Represents a validation error. Thrown by validation calls if the STAC JSON is invalid. Args: source (object): Source of the exception. Type will be determined by the validation implementation. For the default JsonSchemaValidator this will a the ``jsonschema.ValidationError``. """ def __init__(self, message, source=None): super().__init__(message) self.source = source
# Import after above class definition from pystac.validation.stac_validator import (STACValidator, JsonSchemaSTACValidator)
[docs]def validate(stac_object): """Validates a :class:`~pystac.STACObject`. Args: stac_object (STACObject): The stac object to validate. Returns: List[Object]: List of return values from the validation calls for the core object and any extensions. Element type is specific to the STACValidator implementation. Raises: STACValidationError """ validate_dict(stac_dict=stac_object.to_dict(), stac_object_type=stac_object.STAC_OBJECT_TYPE, stac_version=pystac.get_stac_version(), extensions=stac_object.stac_extensions, href=stac_object.get_self_href())
[docs]def validate_dict(stac_dict, stac_object_type=None, stac_version=None, extensions=None, href=None): """Validate a stac object serialized as JSON into a dict. This method delegates to the call to :meth:`pystac.validation.STACValidator.validate` for the STACValidator registered via :meth:`~pystac.validation.set_validator` or :class:`~pystac.validation.JsonSchemaSTACValidator` by default. Args: stac_dict (dict): Dictionary that is the STAC json of the object. stac_object_type (str): The stac object type of the object encoded in stac_dict. One of :class:`~pystac.STACObjectType`. If not supplied, this will use PySTAC's identification logic to identify the object type. stac_version (str): The version of STAC to validate the object against. If not supplied, this will use PySTAC's identification logic to identify the stac version extensions (List[str]): Extension IDs for this stac object. If not supplied, PySTAC's identification logic to identify the extensions. href (str): Optional HREF of the STAC object being validated. Returns: List[Object]: List of return values from the validation calls for the core object and any extensions. Element type is specific to the STACValidator implementation. Raises: STACValidationError """ info = None if stac_object_type is None: info = identify_stac_object(stac_dict) stac_object_type = info.object_type if stac_version is None: if info is None: info = identify_stac_object(stac_dict) stac_version = info.version_range.latest_valid_version() if extensions is None: if info is None: info = identify_stac_object(stac_dict) extensions = info.common_extensions return RegisteredValidator.get_validator().validate(stac_dict, stac_object_type, stac_version, extensions, href)
[docs]def validate_all(stac_dict, href): """Validate STAC JSON and all contained catalogs, collections and items. If this stac_dict represents a catalog or collection, this method will recursively be called for each child link and all contained items. Args: stac_dict (dict): Dictionary that is the STAC json of the object. href (str): HREF of the STAC object being validated. Used for error reporting and resolving relative links. Raises: STACValidationError: This will raise a STACValidationError if this or any contained catalog, collection or item has a validation error. """ info = identify_stac_object(stac_dict) # Validate this object validate_dict(stac_dict, stac_object_type=info.object_type, stac_version=info.version_range.latest_valid_version(), extensions=info.common_extensions, href=href) if info.object_type != pystac.STACObjectType.ITEM: links = stac_dict.get('links') if links is not None: # Account for 0.6 links if isinstance(links, dict): links = list(links.values()) for link in links: rel = link.get('rel') if rel in ['item', 'child']: link_href = make_absolute_href(link.get('href'), start_href=href) if link_href is not None: d = pystac.STAC_IO.read_json(link_href) validate_all(d, link_href)
class RegisteredValidator: _validator = None @classmethod def get_validator(cls): if cls._validator is None: try: import jsonschema except ImportError: raise Exception( 'Cannot validate with default validator because package "jsonschema" ' 'is not installed. Install pystac with the validation optional requirements ' '(e.g. pip install pystac[validation]) to install jsonschema') cls._validator = JsonSchemaSTACValidator() return cls._validator @classmethod def set_validator(cls, validator): if not issubclass(type(validator), STACValidator): raise Exception('Validator must be a subclass of {}'.format(STACValidator)) cls._validator = validator
[docs]def set_validator(validator): """Sets the STACValidator to use in PySTAC. TKTK Args: validator (STACValidator): The STACVlidator implementation to use for validation. """ RegisteredValidator.set_validator(validator)