Source code for pystac.extensions.base

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import (

import pystac

[docs]class SummariesExtension: """Base class for extending the properties in :attr:`pystac.Collection.summaries` to include properties defined by a STAC Extension. This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, create an extension-specific class that inherits from this class and instantiate that. See :class:`~pystac.extensions.eo.SummariesEOExtension` for an example.""" summaries: pystac.Summaries """The summaries for the :class:`~pystac.Collection` being extended.""" def __init__(self, collection: pystac.Collection) -> None: self.summaries = collection.summaries def _set_summary( self, prop_key: str, v: Optional[Union[List[Any], pystac.RangeSummary[Any], Dict[str, Any]]], ) -> None: if v is None: self.summaries.remove(prop_key) else: self.summaries.add(prop_key, v)
P = TypeVar("P")
[docs]class PropertiesExtension(ABC): """Abstract base class for extending the properties of an :class:`~pystac.Item` to include properties defined by a STAC Extension. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, create an extension-specific class that inherits from this class and instantiate that. See :class:`~pystac.extensions.eo.PropertiesEOExtension` for an example. """ properties: Dict[str, Any] """The properties that this extension wraps. The extension which implements PropertiesExtension can use ``_get_property`` and ``_set_property`` to get and set values on this instance. Note that _set_properties mutates the properties directly.""" additional_read_properties: Optional[Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]] = None """Additional read-only properties accessible from the extended object. These are used when extending an :class:`~pystac.Asset` to give access to the properties of the owning :class:`~pystac.Item`. If a property exists in both ``additional_read_properties`` and ``properties``, the value in ``additional_read_properties`` will take precedence. """ def _get_property(self, prop_name: str, _typ: Type[P]) -> Optional[P]: maybe_property: Optional[P] = if maybe_property is not None: return maybe_property if self.additional_read_properties is not None: for props in self.additional_read_properties: maybe_additional_property: Optional[P] = props.get(prop_name) if maybe_additional_property is not None: return maybe_additional_property return None def _set_property( self, prop_name: str, v: Optional[Any], pop_if_none: bool = True ) -> None: if v is None and pop_if_none:, None) else:[prop_name] = v
S = TypeVar("S", bound=pystac.STACObject)
[docs]class ExtensionManagementMixin(Generic[S], ABC): """Abstract base class with methods for adding and removing extensions from STAC Objects. This class is generic over the type of object being extended (e.g. :class:`~pystac.Item`). Concrete extension implementations should inherit from this class and either provide a concrete type or a bounded type variable. See :class:`~pystac.extensions.eo.EOExtension` for an example implementation. """
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_schema_uri(cls) -> str: """Gets the schema URI associated with this extension.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def add_to(cls, obj: S) -> None: """Add the schema URI for this extension to the :attr:`~pystac.STACObject.stac_extensions` list for the given object, if it is not already present.""" if obj.stac_extensions is None: obj.stac_extensions = [cls.get_schema_uri()] elif cls.get_schema_uri() not in obj.stac_extensions: obj.stac_extensions.append(cls.get_schema_uri())
[docs] @classmethod def remove_from(cls, obj: S) -> None: """Remove the schema URI for this extension from the :attr:`pystac.STACObject.stac_extensions` list for the given object.""" if obj.stac_extensions is not None: obj.stac_extensions = [ uri for uri in obj.stac_extensions if uri != cls.get_schema_uri() ]
[docs] @classmethod def has_extension(cls, obj: S) -> bool: """Check if the given object implements this extension by checking :attr:`pystac.STACObject.stac_extensions` for this extension's schema URI.""" return ( obj.stac_extensions is not None and cls.get_schema_uri() in obj.stac_extensions )
[docs] @classmethod def validate_owner_has_extension( cls, asset: pystac.Asset, add_if_missing: bool ) -> None: """Given an :class:`~pystac.Asset`, checks if the asset's owner has this extension's schema URI in its :attr:`~pystac.STACObject.stac_extensions` list. If ``add_if_missing`` is ``True``, the schema URI will be added to the owner. Raises: STACError : If ``add_if_missing`` is ``True`` and ``asset.owner`` is ``None``. """ if asset.owner is None: if add_if_missing: raise pystac.STACError( "Attempted to use add_if_missing=True for an Asset with no owner. " "Use Asset.set_owner or set add_if_missing=False." ) else: return return cls.validate_has_extension(cast(S, asset.owner), add_if_missing)
[docs] @classmethod def validate_has_extension(cls, obj: S, add_if_missing: bool) -> None: """Given a :class:`~pystac.STACObject`, checks if the object has this extension's schema URI in its :attr:`~pystac.STACObject.stac_extensions` list. If ``add_if_missing`` is ``True``, the schema URI will be added to the object. Args: obj : The object to validate. add_if_missing : Whether to add the schema URI to the object if it is not already present. """ if add_if_missing: cls.add_to(obj) if cls.get_schema_uri() not in obj.stac_extensions: raise pystac.ExtensionNotImplemented( f"Could not find extension schema URI {cls.get_schema_uri()} in object." )