Source code for pystac.extensions.hooks

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import pystac
from pystac.serialization.identify import STACJSONDescription, STACVersionID

    from pystac.stac_object import STACObject as STACObject_Type

[docs]class ExtensionHooks(ABC): @property @abstractmethod def schema_uri(self) -> str: """The schema_uri for the current version of this extension""" raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def prev_extension_ids(self) -> Set[str]: """A set of previous extension IDs (schema URIs or old short ids) that should be migrated to the latest schema URI in the 'stac_extensions' property. Override with a class attribute so that the set of previous IDs is only created once. """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def stac_object_types(self) -> Set[pystac.STACObjectType]: """A set of STACObjectType for which migration logic will be applied.""" raise NotImplementedError @lru_cache() def _get_stac_object_types(self) -> Set[str]: """Translation of stac_object_types to strings, cached""" return set([x.value for x in self.stac_object_types])
[docs] def migrate( self, obj: Dict[str, Any], version: STACVersionID, info: STACJSONDescription ) -> None: """Migrate a STAC Object in dict format from a previous version. The base implementation will update the stac_extensions to the latest schema ID. This method will only be called for STAC objects that have been identified as a previous version of STAC. Implementations should directly manipulate the obj dict. Remember to call super() in order to change out the old 'stac_extension' entry with the latest schema URI. """ # Migrate schema versions for prev_id in self.prev_extension_ids: if prev_id in info.extensions: try: i = obj["stac_extensions"].index(prev_id) obj["stac_extensions"][i] = self.schema_uri except ValueError: obj["stac_extensions"].append(self.schema_uri) break
[docs]class RegisteredExtensionHooks: hooks: Dict[str, ExtensionHooks] def __init__(self, hooks: Iterable[ExtensionHooks]): self.hooks = dict([(e.schema_uri, e) for e in hooks])
[docs] def add_extension_hooks(self, hooks: ExtensionHooks) -> None: e_id = hooks.schema_uri if e_id in self.hooks: raise pystac.ExtensionAlreadyExistsError( "ExtensionDefinition with id '{}' already exists.".format(e_id) ) self.hooks[e_id] = hooks
[docs] def remove_extension_hooks(self, extension_id: str) -> None: if extension_id in self.hooks: del self.hooks[extension_id]
[docs] def migrate( self, obj: Dict[str, Any], version: STACVersionID, info: STACJSONDescription ) -> None: for hooks in self.hooks.values(): if info.object_type in hooks._get_stac_object_types(): hooks.migrate(obj, version, info)