"""Implements the :stac-ext:`Electro-Optical Extension <eo>`."""
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
from collections.abc import Iterable
from typing import (
import pystac
from pystac.extensions import item_assets, projection, view
from pystac.extensions.base import (
from pystac.extensions.hooks import ExtensionHooks
from pystac.serialization.identify import STACJSONDescription, STACVersionID
from pystac.summaries import RangeSummary
from pystac.utils import get_required, map_opt
T = TypeVar("T", pystac.Item, pystac.Asset, item_assets.AssetDefinition)
SCHEMA_URI: str = "https://stac-extensions.github.io/eo/v1.1.0/schema.json"
SCHEMA_URIS: list[str] = [
PREFIX: str = "eo:"
# Field names
BANDS_PROP: str = PREFIX + "bands"
CLOUD_COVER_PROP: str = PREFIX + "cloud_cover"
SNOW_COVER_PROP: str = PREFIX + "snow_cover"
def validated_percentage(v: float | None) -> float | None:
if v is not None and not isinstance(v, (float, int)) or isinstance(v, bool):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid percentage: {v} must be number")
if v is not None and not 0 <= v <= 100:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid percentage: {v} must be between 0 and 100")
return v
class Band:
"""Represents Band information attached to an Item that implements the eo extension.
Use :meth:`Band.create` to create a new Band.
properties: dict[str, Any]
def __init__(self, properties: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
self.properties = properties
def apply(
name: str,
common_name: str | None = None,
description: str | None = None,
center_wavelength: float | None = None,
full_width_half_max: float | None = None,
solar_illumination: float | None = None,
) -> None:
Sets the properties for this Band.
name : The name of the band (e.g., "B01", "B02", "B1", "B5", "QA").
common_name : The name commonly used to refer to the band to make it
easier to search for bands across instruments. See the :stac-ext:`list
of accepted common names <eo#common-band-names>`.
description : Description to fully explain the band.
center_wavelength : The center wavelength of the band, in micrometers (μm).
full_width_half_max : Full width at half maximum (FWHM). The width of the
band, as measured at half the maximum transmission, in micrometers (μm).
solar_illumination: The solar illumination of the band,
as measured at half the maximum transmission, in W/m2/micrometers.
self.name = name
self.common_name = common_name
self.description = description
self.center_wavelength = center_wavelength
self.full_width_half_max = full_width_half_max
self.solar_illumination = solar_illumination
def create(
name: str,
common_name: str | None = None,
description: str | None = None,
center_wavelength: float | None = None,
full_width_half_max: float | None = None,
solar_illumination: float | None = None,
) -> Band:
Creates a new band.
name : The name of the band (e.g., "B01", "B02", "B1", "B5", "QA").
common_name : The name commonly used to refer to the band to make it easier
to search for bands across instruments. See the :stac-ext:`list of
accepted common names <eo#common-band-names>`.
description : Description to fully explain the band.
center_wavelength : The center wavelength of the band, in micrometers (μm).
full_width_half_max : Full width at half maximum (FWHM). The width of the
band, as measured at half the maximum transmission, in micrometers (μm).
solar_illumination: The solar illumination of the band,
as measured at half the maximum transmission, in W/m2/micrometers.
b = cls({})
return b
def name(self) -> str:
"""Get or sets the name of the band (e.g., "B01", "B02", "B1", "B5", "QA").
return get_required(self.properties.get("name"), self, "name")
def name(self, v: str) -> None:
self.properties["name"] = v
def common_name(self) -> str | None:
"""Get or sets the name commonly used to refer to the band to make it easier
to search for bands across instruments. See the :stac-ext:`list of accepted
common names <eo#common-band-names>`.
return self.properties.get("common_name")
def common_name(self, v: str | None) -> None:
if v is not None:
self.properties["common_name"] = v
self.properties.pop("common_name", None)
def description(self) -> str | None:
"""Get or sets the description to fully explain the band. CommonMark 0.29
syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
return self.properties.get("description")
def description(self, v: str | None) -> None:
if v is not None:
self.properties["description"] = v
self.properties.pop("description", None)
def center_wavelength(self) -> float | None:
"""Get or sets the center wavelength of the band, in micrometers (μm).
return self.properties.get("center_wavelength")
def center_wavelength(self, v: float | None) -> None:
if v is not None:
self.properties["center_wavelength"] = v
self.properties.pop("center_wavelength", None)
def full_width_half_max(self) -> float | None:
"""Get or sets the full width at half maximum (FWHM). The width of the band,
as measured at half the maximum transmission, in micrometers (μm).
return self.properties.get("full_width_half_max")
def full_width_half_max(self, v: float | None) -> None:
if v is not None:
self.properties["full_width_half_max"] = v
self.properties.pop("full_width_half_max", None)
def solar_illumination(self) -> float | None:
"""Get or sets the solar illumination of the band,
as measured at half the maximum transmission, in W/m2/micrometers.
return self.properties.get("solar_illumination")
def solar_illumination(self, v: float | None) -> None:
if v is not None:
self.properties["solar_illumination"] = v
self.properties.pop("solar_illumination", None)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<Band name={self.properties.get('name')}>"
def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns this band as a dictionary.
dict: The serialization of this Band.
return self.properties
def band_range(common_name: str) -> tuple[float, float] | None:
"""Gets the band range for a common band name.
common_name : The common band name. Must be one of the :stac-ext:`list of
accepted common names <eo#common-band-names>`.
Tuple[float, float] or None: The band range for this name as (min, max), or
None if this is not a recognized common name.
name_to_range = {
"coastal": (0.40, 0.45),
"blue": (0.45, 0.50),
"green": (0.50, 0.60),
"red": (0.60, 0.70),
"yellow": (0.58, 0.62),
"pan": (0.50, 0.70),
"rededge": (0.70, 0.75),
"nir": (0.75, 1.00),
"nir08": (0.75, 0.90),
"nir09": (0.85, 1.05),
"cirrus": (1.35, 1.40),
"swir16": (1.55, 1.75),
"swir22": (2.10, 2.30),
"lwir": (10.5, 12.5),
"lwir11": (10.5, 11.5),
"lwir12": (11.5, 12.5),
return name_to_range.get(common_name)
def band_description(common_name: str) -> str | None:
"""Returns a description of the band for one with a common name.
common_name : The common band name. Must be one of the :stac-ext:`list of
accepted common names <eo#common-band-names>`.
str or None: If a recognized common name, returns a description including
the band range. Otherwise returns None.
r = Band.band_range(common_name)
if r is not None:
return f"Common name: {common_name}, Range: {r[0]} to {r[1]}"
return None
class EOExtension(
ExtensionManagementMixin[Union[pystac.Item, pystac.Collection]],
"""An abstract class that can be used to extend the properties of an
:class:`~pystac.Item` or :class:`~pystac.Asset` with properties from the
:stac-ext:`Electro-Optical Extension <eo>`. This class is generic over the type of
STAC Object to be extended (e.g. :class:`~pystac.Item`,
To create a concrete instance of :class:`EOExtension`, use the
:meth:`EOExtension.ext` method. For example:
.. code-block:: python
>>> item: pystac.Item = ...
>>> eo_ext = EOExtension.ext(item)
name: Literal["eo"] = "eo"
def apply(
bands: list[Band] | None = None,
cloud_cover: float | None = None,
snow_cover: float | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Applies Electro-Optical Extension properties to the extended
:class:`~pystac.Item` or :class:`~pystac.Asset`.
bands : A list of available bands where each item is a :class:`~Band`
object. If given, requires at least one band.
cloud_cover : The estimate of cloud cover as a percentage
(0-100) of the entire scene. If not available the field should not
be provided.
snow_cover : The estimate of snow cover as a percentage
(0-100) of the entire scene. If not available the field should not
be provided.
self.bands = bands
self.cloud_cover = validated_percentage(cloud_cover)
self.snow_cover = validated_percentage(snow_cover)
def bands(self) -> list[Band] | None:
"""Gets or sets a list of available bands where each item is a :class:`~Band`
object (or ``None`` if no bands have been set). If not available the field
should not be provided.
return self._get_bands()
def bands(self, v: list[Band] | None) -> None:
BANDS_PROP, map_opt(lambda bands: [b.to_dict() for b in bands], v)
def _get_bands(self) -> list[Band] | None:
return map_opt(
lambda bands: [Band(b) for b in bands],
self._get_property(BANDS_PROP, list[dict[str, Any]]),
def cloud_cover(self) -> float | None:
"""Get or sets the estimate of cloud cover as a percentage
(0-100) of the entire scene. If not available the field should not be provided.
float or None
return self._get_property(CLOUD_COVER_PROP, float)
def cloud_cover(self, v: float | None) -> None:
self._set_property(CLOUD_COVER_PROP, validated_percentage(v), pop_if_none=True)
def snow_cover(self) -> float | None:
"""Get or sets the estimate of snow cover as a percentage
(0-100) of the entire scene. If not available the field should not be provided.
float or None
return self._get_property(SNOW_COVER_PROP, float)
def snow_cover(self, v: float | None) -> None:
self._set_property(SNOW_COVER_PROP, validated_percentage(v), pop_if_none=True)
def get_schema_uri(cls) -> str:
def get_schema_uris(cls) -> list[str]:
"get_schema_uris is deprecated and will be removed in v2",
def ext(cls, obj: T, add_if_missing: bool = False) -> EOExtension[T]:
"""Extends the given STAC Object with properties from the
:stac-ext:`Electro-Optical Extension <eo>`.
This extension can be applied to instances of :class:`~pystac.Item` or
pystac.ExtensionTypeError : If an invalid object type is passed.
if isinstance(obj, pystac.Item):
cls.ensure_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing)
return cast(EOExtension[T], ItemEOExtension(obj))
elif isinstance(obj, pystac.Asset):
cls.ensure_owner_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing)
return cast(EOExtension[T], AssetEOExtension(obj))
elif isinstance(obj, item_assets.AssetDefinition):
cls.ensure_owner_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing)
return cast(EOExtension[T], ItemAssetsEOExtension(obj))
raise pystac.ExtensionTypeError(cls._ext_error_message(obj))
def summaries(
cls, obj: pystac.Collection, add_if_missing: bool = False
) -> SummariesEOExtension:
"""Returns the extended summaries object for the given collection."""
cls.ensure_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing)
return SummariesEOExtension(obj)
class ItemEOExtension(EOExtension[pystac.Item]):
"""A concrete implementation of :class:`EOExtension` on an :class:`~pystac.Item`
that extends the properties of the Item to include properties defined in the
:stac-ext:`Electro-Optical Extension <eo>`.
This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, call
:meth:`EOExtension.ext` on an :class:`~pystac.Item` to extend it.
item: pystac.Item
"""The :class:`~pystac.Item` being extended."""
properties: dict[str, Any]
"""The :class:`~pystac.Item` properties, including extension properties."""
def __init__(self, item: pystac.Item):
self.item = item
self.properties = item.properties
def _get_bands(self) -> list[Band] | None:
"""Get or sets a list of :class:`~pystac.Band` objects that represent
the available bands.
bands = self._get_property(BANDS_PROP, list[dict[str, Any]])
# get assets with eo:bands even if not in item
if bands is None:
asset_bands: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
for _, value in self.item.get_assets().items():
if BANDS_PROP in value.extra_fields:
cast(list[dict[str, Any]], value.extra_fields.get(BANDS_PROP))
if any(asset_bands):
bands = asset_bands
if bands is not None:
return [Band(b) for b in bands]
return None
def get_assets(
name: str | None = None,
common_name: str | None = None,
) -> dict[str, pystac.Asset]:
"""Get the item's assets where eo:bands are defined.
name: If set, filter the assets such that only those with a
matching ``eo:band.name`` are returned.
common_name: If set, filter the assets such that only those with a matching
``eo:band.common_name`` are returned.
Dict[str, Asset]: A dictionary of assets that match ``name``
and/or ``common_name`` if set or else all of this item's assets were
eo:bands are defined.
kwargs = {"name": name, "common_name": common_name}
return {
key: asset
for key, asset in self.item.get_assets().items()
if BANDS_PROP in asset.extra_fields
and all(
v is None or any(v == b.get(k) for b in asset.extra_fields[BANDS_PROP])
for k, v in kwargs.items()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<ItemEOExtension Item id={self.item.id}>"
class AssetEOExtension(EOExtension[pystac.Asset]):
"""A concrete implementation of :class:`EOExtension` on an :class:`~pystac.Asset`
that extends the Asset fields to include properties defined in the
:stac-ext:`Electro-Optical Extension <eo>`.
This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, call
:meth:`EOExtension.ext` on an :class:`~pystac.Asset` to extend it.
asset_href: str
"""The ``href`` value of the :class:`~pystac.Asset` being extended."""
properties: dict[str, Any]
"""The :class:`~pystac.Asset` fields, including extension properties."""
additional_read_properties: Iterable[dict[str, Any]] | None = None
"""If present, this will be a list containing 1 dictionary representing the
properties of the owning :class:`~pystac.Item`."""
def _get_bands(self) -> list[Band] | None:
if BANDS_PROP not in self.properties:
return None
return list(
lambda band: Band(band),
cast(list[dict[str, Any]], self.properties.get(BANDS_PROP)),
def __init__(self, asset: pystac.Asset):
self.asset_href = asset.href
self.properties = asset.extra_fields
if asset.owner and isinstance(asset.owner, pystac.Item):
self.additional_read_properties = [asset.owner.properties]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<AssetEOExtension Asset href={self.asset_href}>"
class ItemAssetsEOExtension(EOExtension[item_assets.AssetDefinition]):
properties: dict[str, Any]
asset_defn: item_assets.AssetDefinition
def _get_bands(self) -> list[Band] | None:
if BANDS_PROP not in self.properties:
return None
return list(
lambda band: Band(band),
cast(list[dict[str, Any]], self.properties.get(BANDS_PROP)),
def __init__(self, item_asset: item_assets.AssetDefinition):
self.asset_defn = item_asset
self.properties = item_asset.properties
class SummariesEOExtension(SummariesExtension):
"""A concrete implementation of :class:`~SummariesExtension` that extends
the ``summaries`` field of a :class:`~pystac.Collection` to include properties
defined in the :stac-ext:`Electro-Optical Extension <eo>`.
def bands(self) -> list[Band] | None:
"""Get or sets the summary of :attr:`EOExtension.bands` values
for this Collection.
return map_opt(
lambda bands: [Band(b) for b in bands],
def bands(self, v: list[Band] | None) -> None:
self._set_summary(BANDS_PROP, map_opt(lambda x: [b.to_dict() for b in x], v))
def cloud_cover(self) -> RangeSummary[float] | None:
"""Get or sets the summary of :attr:`EOExtension.cloud_cover` values
for this Collection.
return self.summaries.get_range(CLOUD_COVER_PROP)
def cloud_cover(self, v: RangeSummary[float] | None) -> None:
self._set_summary(CLOUD_COVER_PROP, v)
def snow_cover(self) -> RangeSummary[float] | None:
"""Get or sets the summary of :attr:`EOExtension.snow_cover` values
for this Collection.
return self.summaries.get_range(SNOW_COVER_PROP)
def snow_cover(self, v: RangeSummary[float] | None) -> None:
self._set_summary(SNOW_COVER_PROP, v)
class EOExtensionHooks(ExtensionHooks):
schema_uri: str = SCHEMA_URI
prev_extension_ids = {
*[uri for uri in SCHEMA_URIS if uri != SCHEMA_URI],
stac_object_types = {pystac.STACObjectType.ITEM}
def migrate(
self, obj: dict[str, Any], version: STACVersionID, info: STACJSONDescription
) -> None:
if version < "0.9":
# Some eo fields became common_metadata
if (
"eo:platform" in obj["properties"]
and "platform" not in obj["properties"]
obj["properties"]["platform"] = obj["properties"]["eo:platform"]
del obj["properties"]["eo:platform"]
if (
"eo:instrument" in obj["properties"]
and "instruments" not in obj["properties"]
obj["properties"]["instruments"] = [obj["properties"]["eo:instrument"]]
del obj["properties"]["eo:instrument"]
if (
"eo:constellation" in obj["properties"]
and "constellation" not in obj["properties"]
obj["properties"]["constellation"] = obj["properties"][
del obj["properties"]["eo:constellation"]
# Some eo fields became view extension fields
eo_to_view_fields = [
for field in eo_to_view_fields:
if f"eo:{field}" in obj["properties"]:
if "stac_extensions" not in obj:
obj["stac_extensions"] = []
if view.SCHEMA_URI not in obj["stac_extensions"]:
if f"view:{field}" not in obj["properties"]:
obj["properties"][f"view:{field}"] = obj["properties"][
del obj["properties"][f"eo:{field}"]
# eo:epsg became proj:epsg
eo_epsg = PREFIX + "epsg"
proj_epsg = projection.PREFIX + "epsg"
if eo_epsg in obj["properties"] and proj_epsg not in obj["properties"]:
obj["properties"][proj_epsg] = obj["properties"].pop(eo_epsg)
obj["stac_extensions"] = obj.get("stac_extensions", [])
if (
not in obj["stac_extensions"]
if not any(prop.startswith(PREFIX) for prop in obj["properties"]):
if version < "1.0.0-beta.1" and info.object_type == pystac.STACObjectType.ITEM:
# gsd moved from eo to common metadata
if "eo:gsd" in obj["properties"]:
obj["properties"]["gsd"] = obj["properties"]["eo:gsd"]
del obj["properties"]["eo:gsd"]
# The way bands were declared in assets changed.
# In 1.0.0-beta.1 they are inlined into assets as
# opposed to having indices back into a property-level array.
if "eo:bands" in obj["properties"]:
bands = obj["properties"]["eo:bands"]
for asset in obj["assets"].values():
if "eo:bands" in asset:
new_bands: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
for band_index in asset["eo:bands"]:
asset["eo:bands"] = new_bands
super().migrate(obj, version, info)
EO_EXTENSION_HOOKS: ExtensionHooks = EOExtensionHooks()