Source code for pystac.extensions.item_assets

"""Implements the :stac-ext:`Item Assets Definition Extension <item-assets>`."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import Any, Literal

import pystac
from pystac.errors import DeprecatedWarning
from pystac.extensions.base import ExtensionManagementMixin
from pystac.extensions.hooks import ExtensionHooks
from pystac.item_assets import ItemAssetDefinition
from pystac.serialization.identify import STACJSONDescription, STACVersionID
from pystac.utils import get_required


ITEM_ASSETS_PROP = "item_assets"

[docs] class AssetDefinition(ItemAssetDefinition): """ DEPRECATED .. deprecated:: 1.12.0 Use :class:`~pystac.ItemAssetDefinition` instead. """ def __init__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: warnings.warn( ( "``AssetDefinition`` is deprecated. " "Please use ``pystac.ItemAssetDefinition`` instead." ), DeprecationWarning, ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class ItemAssetsExtension(ExtensionManagementMixin[pystac.Collection]): """ DEPRECATED .. deprecated:: 1.12.0 Use :attr:`~pystac.Collection.item_assets` instead. """ name: Literal["item_assets"] = "item_assets" collection: pystac.Collection def __init__(self, collection: pystac.Collection) -> None: warnings.warn( ( "The ``item_assets`` extension is deprecated. " "``item_assets`` is now a top-level property of ``Collection``." ), DeprecatedWarning, ) self.collection = collection @property def item_assets(self) -> dict[str, ItemAssetDefinition]: """Gets or sets a dictionary of assets that can be found in member Items. Maps the asset key to an :class:`AssetDefinition` instance.""" result: dict[str, Any] = get_required( self.collection.extra_fields.get(ITEM_ASSETS_PROP), self, ITEM_ASSETS_PROP ) return {k: ItemAssetDefinition(v, self.collection) for k, v in result.items()} @item_assets.setter def item_assets(self, v: dict[str, ItemAssetDefinition]) -> None: self.collection.extra_fields[ITEM_ASSETS_PROP] = { k: for k, asset_def in v.items() } def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<ItemAssetsExtension = {}>"
[docs] @classmethod def get_schema_uri(cls) -> str: return SCHEMA_URI
[docs] @classmethod def ext( cls, obj: pystac.Collection, add_if_missing: bool = False ) -> ItemAssetsExtension: """Extends the given :class:`~pystac.Collection` with properties from the :stac-ext:`Item Assets Extension <item-assets>`. Raises: pystac.ExtensionTypeError : If an invalid object type is passed. """ if isinstance(obj, pystac.Collection): cls.ensure_has_extension(obj, add_if_missing) return cls(obj) else: raise pystac.ExtensionTypeError(cls._ext_error_message(obj))
[docs] class ItemAssetsExtensionHooks(ExtensionHooks): schema_uri: str = SCHEMA_URI prev_extension_ids = {"asset", "item-assets"} stac_object_types = {pystac.STACObjectType.COLLECTION}
[docs] def migrate( self, obj: dict[str, Any], version: STACVersionID, info: STACJSONDescription ) -> None: # Handle that the "item-assets" extension had the id of "assets", before # collection assets (since removed) took over the ID of "assets" if version < "1.0.0-beta.1" and "asset" in info.extensions: if "assets" in obj: obj["item_assets"] = obj["assets"] del obj["assets"] super().migrate(obj, version, info) # As of STAC spec version 1.1.0 item-assets are part of core if obj["stac_version"] >= "1.1.0" and self.schema_uri in obj.get( "stac_extensions", [] ): obj["stac_extensions"].remove(self.schema_uri)
ITEM_ASSETS_EXTENSION_HOOKS: ExtensionHooks = ItemAssetsExtensionHooks()