
class pystac.collection.Collection(id: str, description: str, extent: pystac.collection.Extent, title: Optional[str] = None, stac_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, href: Optional[str] = None, extra_fields: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, catalog_type: Optional[pystac.catalog.CatalogType] = None, license: str = 'proprietary', keywords: Optional[List[str]] = None, providers: Optional[List[Provider_Type]] = None, summaries: Optional[pystac.summaries.Summaries] = None, assets: Optional[Dict[str, pystac.asset.Asset]] = None)[source]

A Collection extends the Catalog spec with additional metadata that helps enable discovery.

  • id – Identifier for the collection. Must be unique within the STAC.

  • description – Detailed multi-line description to fully explain the collection. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.

  • extent – Spatial and temporal extents that describe the bounds of all items contained within this Collection.

  • title – Optional short descriptive one-line title for the collection.

  • stac_extensions – Optional list of extensions the Collection implements.

  • href – Optional HREF for this collection, which be set as the collection’s self link’s HREF.

  • catalog_type – Optional catalog type for this catalog. Must be one of the values in :class`~pystac.CatalogType`.

  • license – Collection’s license(s) as a SPDX License identifier, various, or proprietary. If collection includes data with multiple different licenses, use various and add a link for each. Defaults to ‘proprietary’.

  • keywords – Optional list of keywords describing the collection.

  • providers – Optional list of providers of this Collection.

  • summaries – An optional map of property summaries, either a set of values or statistics such as a range.

  • extra_fields – Extra fields that are part of the top-level JSON properties of the Collection.

  • assets – A dictionary mapping string keys to Asset objects. All Asset values in the dictionary will have their owner attribute set to the created Collection.

DEFAULT_FILE_NAME = 'collection.json'

Default file name that will be given to this STAC object in a canonical format.

STAC_OBJECT_TYPE: STACObjectType = 'Collection'
add_asset(key: str, asset: pystac.asset.Asset) None[source]

Adds an Asset to this item.

  • key – The unique key of this asset.

  • asset – The Asset to add.

add_item(item: Item_Type, title: Optional[str] = None, strategy: Optional[pystac.layout.HrefLayoutStrategy] = None) None[source]

Adds a link to an Item. This method will set the item’s parent to this object, and its root to this Catalog’s root.

  • item – The item to add.

  • title – Optional title to give to the Link

assets: Dict[str, pystac.asset.Asset]

Map of Assets

clone() pystac.collection.Collection[source]

Clones this object.

Cloning an object will make a copy of all properties and links of the object; however, it will not make copies of the targets of links (i.e. it is not a deep copy). To copy a STACObject fully, with all linked elements also copied, use STACObject.full_copy.


The clone of this object.

Return type


description: str

Detailed multi-line description to fully explain the collection.

extent: pystac.collection.Extent

Spatial and temporal extents that describe the bounds of all items contained within this Collection.

extra_fields: Dict[str, Any]

Extra fields that are part of the top-level JSON properties of the Collection.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any], href: Optional[str] = None, root: Optional[pystac.catalog.Catalog] = None, migrate: bool = False, preserve_dict: bool = True) pystac.collection.Collection[source]

Parses this STACObject from the passed in dictionary.

  • d – The dict to parse.

  • href – Optional href that is the file location of the object being parsed.

  • root – Optional root catalog for this object. If provided, the root of the returned STACObject will be set to this parameter.

  • migrate – Use True if this dict represents JSON from an older STAC object, so that migrations are run against it.

  • preserve_dict – If False, the dict parameter d may be modified during this method call. Otherwise the dict is not mutated. Defaults to True, which results results in a deepcopy of the parameter. Set to False when possible to avoid the performance hit of a deepcopy.


The STACObject parsed from this dict.

Return type


classmethod from_file(href: str, stac_io: Optional[pystac.stac_io.StacIO] = None) pystac.collection.Collection[source]

Reads a STACObject implementation from a file.

  • href – The HREF to read the object from.

  • stac_io – Optional instance of StacIO to use. If not provided, will use the default instance.


The specific STACObject implementation class that is represented by the JSON read from the file located at HREF.

full_copy(root: Optional[pystac.catalog.Catalog] = None, parent: Optional[pystac.catalog.Catalog] = None) pystac.collection.Collection[source]

Create a full copy of this STAC object and any stac objects linked to by this object.

  • root – Optional root to set as the root of the copied object, and any other copies that are contained by this object.

  • parent – Optional parent to set as the parent of the copy of this object.


A full copy of this object, as well as any objects this object

links to.

Return type


get_assets() Dict[str, pystac.asset.Asset][source]

Get this item’s assets.


A copy of the dictionary of this item’s assets.

Return type

Dict[str, Asset]

id: str

Identifier for the collection.

keywords: Optional[List[str]]

Optional list of keywords describing the collection.

links: List[]

A list of Link objects representing all links associated with this Collection.

classmethod matches_object_type(d: Dict[str, Any]) bool[source]

Returns a boolean indicating whether the given dictionary represents a valid instance of this STACObject sub-class.


d – A dictionary to identify

providers: Optional[List[pystac.provider.Provider]]

Optional list of providers of this Collection.

stac_extensions: List[str]

List of extensions the Collection implements.

summaries: pystac.summaries.Summaries

A map of property summaries, either a set of values or statistics such as a range.

title: Optional[str]

Optional short descriptive one-line title for the collection.

to_dict(include_self_link: bool = True, transform_hrefs: bool = True) Dict[str, Any][source]

Generate a dictionary representing the JSON of this serialized object.

  • include_self_link – If True, the dict will contain a self link to this object. If False, the self link will be omitted.

  • transform_hrefs – If True, transform the HREF of hierarchical links based on the type of catalog this object belongs to (if any). I.e. if this object belongs to a root catalog that is RELATIVE_PUBLISHED or SELF_CONTAINED, hierarchical link HREFs will be transformed to be relative to the catalog root.

  • dict – A serialization of the object that can be written out as JSON.

update_extent_from_items() None[source]

Update datetime and bbox based on all items to a single bbox and time window.

class pystac.collection.Extent(spatial: pystac.collection.SpatialExtent, temporal: pystac.collection.TemporalExtent, extra_fields: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)[source]

Describes the spatiotemporal extents of a Collection.

  • spatial – Potential spatial extent covered by the collection.

  • temporal – Potential temporal extent covered by the collection.

  • extra_fields – Dictionary containing additional top-level fields defined on the Extent object.

clone() pystac.collection.Extent[source]

Clones this object.


The clone of this extent.

Return type


extra_fields: Dict[str, Any]

Dictionary containing additional top-level fields defined on the Extent object.

static from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) pystac.collection.Extent[source]

Constructs an Extent from a dict.


The Extent deserialized from the JSON dict.

Return type


static from_items(items: Iterable[Item_Type], extra_fields: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) Extent[source]

Create an Extent based on the datetimes and bboxes of a list of items.

  • items – A list of items to derive the extent from.

  • extra_fields – Optional dictionary containing additional top-level fields defined on the Extent object.


An Extent that spatially and temporally covers all of the

given items.

Return type


spatial: pystac.collection.SpatialExtent

Potential spatial extent covered by the collection.

temporal: pystac.collection.TemporalExtent

Potential temporal extent covered by the collection.

to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]

Generate a dictionary representing the JSON of this Extent.


A serialization of the Extent that can be written out as JSON.

Return type


class pystac.collection.SpatialExtent(bboxes: Union[List[List[float]], List[float]], extra_fields: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)[source]

Describes the spatial extent of a Collection.

  • bboxes – A list of bboxes that represent the spatial extent of the collection. Each bbox can be 2D or 3D. The length of the bbox array must be 2*n where n is the number of dimensions. For example, a 2D Collection with only one bbox would be [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]]

  • extra_fields – Dictionary containing additional top-level fields defined on the Spatial Extent object.

bboxes: List[List[float]]

A list of bboxes that represent the spatial extent of the collection. Each bbox can be 2D or 3D. The length of the bbox array must be 2*n where n is the number of dimensions. For example, a 2D Collection with only one bbox would be [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]]

clone() pystac.collection.SpatialExtent[source]

Clones this object.


The clone of this object.

Return type


extra_fields: Dict[str, Any]

Dictionary containing additional top-level fields defined on the Spatial Extent object.

static from_coordinates(coordinates: List[Any], extra_fields: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) pystac.collection.SpatialExtent[source]

Constructs a SpatialExtent from a set of coordinates.

This method will only produce a single bbox that covers all points in the coordinate set.

  • coordinates – Coordinates to derive the bbox from.

  • extra_fields – Dictionary containing additional top-level fields defined on the SpatialExtent object.


A SpatialExtent with a single bbox that covers the given coordinates.

Return type


static from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) pystac.collection.SpatialExtent[source]

Constructs a SpatialExtent from a dict.


The SpatialExtent deserialized from the JSON dict.

Return type


to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]

Generate a dictionary representing the JSON of this SpatialExtent.


A serialization of the SpatialExtent that can be written out as JSON.

Return type


class pystac.collection.TemporalExtent(intervals: Union[List[List[datetime.datetime]], List[List[Optional[datetime.datetime]]]], extra_fields: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)[source]

Describes the temporal extent of a Collection.

  • intervals – A list of two datetimes wrapped in a list, representing the temporal extent of a Collection. Open date ranges are supported by setting either the start (the first element of the interval) or the end (the second element of the interval) to None.

  • extra_fields – Dictionary containing additional top-level fields defined on the Temporal Extent object.


Datetimes are required to be in UTC.

clone() pystac.collection.TemporalExtent[source]

Clones this object.


The clone of this object.

Return type


extra_fields: Dict[str, Any]

Dictionary containing additional top-level fields defined on the Temporal Extent object.

static from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) pystac.collection.TemporalExtent[source]

Constructs an TemporalExtent from a dict.


The TemporalExtent deserialized from the JSON dict.

Return type


static from_now() pystac.collection.TemporalExtent[source]

Constructs an TemporalExtent with a single open interval that has the start time as the current time.


The resulting TemporalExtent.

Return type


intervals: Union[List[List[datetime.datetime]], List[List[Optional[datetime.datetime]]]]

A list of two datetimes wrapped in a list, representing the temporal extent of a Collection. Open date ranges are represented by either the start (the first element of the interval) or the end (the second element of the interval) being None.

to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]

Generate a dictionary representing the JSON of this TemporalExtent.


A serialization of the TemporalExtent that can be written out as JSON.

Return type
