
Implements the Table Extension <table>. extension

class pystac.extensions.table.AssetTableExtension(asset: pystac.asset.Asset)[source]#

Bases: pystac.extensions.table.TableExtension[pystac.asset.Asset]

A concrete implementation of TableExtension on an Asset that extends the Asset fields to include properties defined in the Table Extension.

This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, call TableExtension.ext() on an Asset to extend it.

asset_href: str#
properties: Dict[str, Any]#

The properties that this extension wraps.

The extension which implements PropertiesExtension can use _get_property and _set_property to get and set values on this instance. Note that _set_properties mutates the properties directly.

property storage_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]#

Additional keywords for opening the dataset

class pystac.extensions.table.CollectionTableExtension(collection: pystac.collection.Collection)[source]#

Bases: pystac.extensions.table.TableExtension[pystac.collection.Collection]

A concrete implementation of TableExtension on a Collection that extends the properties of the Item to include properties defined in the Table Extension.

This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, call TableExtension.ext() on an Collection to extend it.

collection: pystac.collection.Collection#
properties: Dict[str, Any]#

The properties that this extension wraps.

The extension which implements PropertiesExtension can use _get_property and _set_property to get and set values on this instance. Note that _set_properties mutates the properties directly.

property tables: Dict[str, pystac.extensions.table.Table]#

A mapping of table names to table objects

class pystac.extensions.table.Column(properties: Dict[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

Object representing a column of a table.

property col_type: Optional[str]#

Data type of the column. If using a file format with a type system (like Parquet), we recommend you use those types

property description: Optional[str]#

Detailed multi-line description to explain the column. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.

property name: str#

The column name

properties: Dict[str, Any]#
to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Returns a JSON-like dictionary representing this Column.

class pystac.extensions.table.ItemTableExtension(item: pystac.item.Item)[source]#

Bases: pystac.extensions.table.TableExtension[pystac.item.Item]

A concrete implementation of TableExtension on an Item that extends the properties of the Item to include properties defined in the Table Extension.

This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, call TableExtension.ext() on an Item to extend it.

item: pystac.item.Item#
properties: Dict[str, Any]#

The properties that this extension wraps.

The extension which implements PropertiesExtension can use _get_property and _set_property to get and set values on this instance. Note that _set_properties mutates the properties directly.

class pystac.extensions.table.Table(properties: Dict[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

Object containing a high-level summary about a table

property description: Optional[str]#

Detailed multi-line description to explain the table. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.

property name: str#

The table name

properties: Dict[str, Any]#
to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Returns a JSON-like dictionary representing this Table.

class pystac.extensions.table.TableExtensinoHooks[source]#

Bases: pystac.extensions.hooks.ExtensionHooks

prev_extension_ids = {'table'}#
schema_uri: str = ''#
stac_object_types = {STACObjectType.COLLECTION, STACObjectType.ITEM}#
class pystac.extensions.table.TableExtension(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Generic[pystac.extensions.table.T], pystac.extensions.base.PropertiesExtension, pystac.extensions.base.ExtensionManagementMixin[Union[pystac.collection.Collection, pystac.item.Item]]

An abstract class that can be used to extend the properties of a Collection, Item, or Asset with properties from the Datacube Extension. This class is generic over the type of STAC Object to be extended (e.g. Item, Asset).

To create a concrete instance of TableExtension, use the TableExtension.ext() method. For example:

>>> item: pystac.Item = ...
>>> tbl_ext = TableExtension.ext(item)
property columns: Optional[List[pystac.extensions.table.Column]]#

A list of Column objects describing each column

classmethod ext(obj: pystac.extensions.table.T, add_if_missing: bool = False) pystac.extensions.table.TableExtension[pystac.extensions.table.T][source]#

Extend the given STAC Object with properties from the Table Extension.

This extension can be applied to instances of Collection, Item or Asset.


pystac.ExtensionTypeError – If an invalid object type is passed.

classmethod get_schema_uri() str[source]#

Gets the schema URI associated with this extension.

property primary_geometry: Optional[str]#

The primary geometry column name

properties: Dict[str, Any]#

The properties that this extension wraps.

The extension which implements PropertiesExtension can use _get_property and _set_property to get and set values on this instance. Note that _set_properties mutates the properties directly.

property row_count: Optional[int]#

The number of rows in the dataset