
Implements the Render Extension.

class pystac.extensions.render.CollectionRenderExtension(collection: Collection)[source]#

A concrete implementation of RenderExtension on a Collection that extends the properties of the Collection to include properties defined in the Render Extension.

This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, call RenderExtension.ext() on an Collection to extend it.

class pystac.extensions.render.ItemRenderExtension(item: Item)[source]#

A concrete implementation of RenderExtension on a Item that extends the properties of the Item to include properties defined in the Render Extension.

This class should generally not be instantiated directly. Instead, call RenderExtension.ext() on an Item to extend it.

class pystac.extensions.render.Render(properties: dict[str, Any])[source]#

Parameters for creating a rendered view of assets.

apply(assets: list[str], title: str | None = None, rescale: list[list[float]] | None = None, nodata: float | str | None = None, colormap_name: str | None = None, colormap: dict[str, Any] | None = None, color_formula: str | None = None, resampling: str | None = None, expression: str | None = None, minmax_zoom: list[int] | None = None) None[source]#

Set the properties for a new Render.

property assets: list[str]#

List of asset keys referencing the assets that are used to make the rendering.

property color_formula: str | None#

A string containing a color formula to apply color corrections to images. Useful for reducing artefacts like atmospheric haze, dark shadows, or muted colors. See:

property colormap: dict[str, Any] | None#

A dictionary containing a custom colormap definition. See:

property colormap_name: str | None#

Name of color map to apply to the render. See:

classmethod create(assets: list[str], title: str | None = None, rescale: list[list[float]] | None = None, nodata: float | str | None = None, colormap_name: str | None = None, colormap: dict[str, Any] | None = None, color_formula: str | None = None, resampling: str | None = None, expression: str | None = None, minmax_zoom: list[int] | None = None) Render[source]#

Create a new Render.

property expression: str | None#

Band arithmetic formula to apply to the referenced assets.

property minmax_zoom: list[int] | None#

Zoom level range applicable for the visualization, e.g. [2, 18].

property nodata: float | str | None#

Nodata value.

properties: dict[str, Any]#
property resampling: str | None#

Resampling algorithm to apply to the referenced assets. See GDAL resampling algorithm for some examples. See:

property rescale: list[list[float]] | None#

A list of min/max value pairs to rescale each asset by, e.g. [[0, 5000], [0, 7000], [0, 9000]]. If not provided, the assets will not be rescaled.

property title: str | None#

Title of the rendering

to_dict() dict[str, Any][source]#
class pystac.extensions.render.RenderExtension[source]#

An abstract class that can be used to extend the properties of a Collection or Item with properties from the Render Extension. This class is generic over the type of STAC Object to be extended (e.g. Item, Collection).

To create a concrete instance of RenderExtension, use the RenderExtension.ext() method. For example:

>>> item: pystac.Item = ...
>>> xr_ext = RenderExtension.ext(item)
apply(renders: dict[str, Render]) None[source]#

Applies the render extension fields to the extended object.


renders – a dictionary mapping render names to :class: ~pystac.extensions.render.Render objects.

classmethod ext(obj: T, add_if_missing: bool = False) RenderExtension[T][source]#

Extend the given STAC Object with properties from the Render Extension.

This extension can be applied to instances of Collection or Item.


pystac.ExtensionTypeError – If an invalid object type is passed.

classmethod get_schema_uri() str[source]#

Gets the schema URI associated with this extension.

name: Literal['render'] = 'render'#
property renders: dict[str, Render]#

A dictionary where each key is the name of a render and each value is a Render object.

class pystac.extensions.render.RenderExtensionHooks[source]#
schema_uri: str = ''#
stac_object_types = {'Collection', 'Feature'}#
class pystac.extensions.render.T#

Generalized version of Collection or Item

alias of TypeVar(‘T’, ~pystac.collection.Collection, ~pystac.item.Item)